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The next morning Jihyun woke up feeling a firm grip around her waist. She opens her eyes slowly and became face to face with the boy she's grown to love. She wanted to get up and she tries to move but the grip got tighter and she was pulled in closer.

Her eyes widen as their noses brush against each other. Beomgyu's eyes open a bit but it was obvious that he had no idea what was happening. He started at Jihyun for a minute and spoke "how do you still look amazing in the morning." Jihyun's cheeks turned pink and she turned her face a way.

"Wait I'm not dreaming?" He thinks out loud and his eyes are now wide. "Oh my god, Jihyun I'm sorry" he pulled his arms away and placed his hands on his face in embarrassment. "It's fine, I guess" Jihyun forgave him and took his hands away from his face.

She got up from his lap and stretches as her muscles were all stiff from being in the weird position she slept in. "What do you want for breakfast?" Jihyun asks "let's just have cereal, it'll save you cooking" Beomgyu suggests and gets up too.

They both walk into the kitchen and Beomgyu went for the cereal and Jihyun went to get the bowls and milk. They sat next to each other and started to make their breakfast and talk a bit. "So when are we taking the Christmas decorations down?" Beomgyu asks Jihyun.

"You have to wait at least twelve days after Christmas to take the decorations down" she told him "oh okay but what do you do now?" He questions "well we could go to a market" Jihyun responded to him in the middle of eating her cereal making Beomgyu smile at her.

"A market sounds nice" Beomgyu says still smiling down at the smaller girl next to him in adoration. "Sounds good be ready in an hour" Jihyun finished her bowl of cereal and went upstairs to get ready. "As long as you are on time I'll be on time" Beomgyu spoke.

Jihyun ran to her room and took a quick shower and went to her wardrobe. She picked out a fluffy turtleneck with a pair of baggy mom jeans to match. She paired it with converses and a warm coat over the top so she didn't get cold outside.

She didn't feel like putting on too much makeup today so she stuck with some mascara and a little bit lipstick to give her lips some colour. Once she was ready she picked up her bag, slung it over her shoulder and left the room. She stopped at Beomgyu's door and knocked "hey Beomgyu are you ready?"

"Yes,give me a second" Jihyun heard some rustling and then he opened the door. "Let's go" he says and grabs Jihyun's hand and pulling her down stairs with her excitedly. "Whoa calm down what all the excitement about?" She asks Beomgyu when she caught up with him.

"I've only ever been to a market alone so I hope to make some new memories... with you" his meaningful words made Jihyun's heart race and she felt herself become shy in front of him. "Well then, let's hurry" she links up with Beomgyu's arm something that he's now used to as it's a habit of hers.

They left the house not forgetting to lock the door on the way out. Jihyun found herself clinging onto Beomgyu a lot more because of the coldness, Beomgyu noticed it and quickly wrapped an arm around her causing Jihyun's face to turn more pink than they already were.

They arrived at the bright market covered in fairy lights that just screamed 'it's Christmas!' The atmosphere was bright and cheery making the teenagers worried feel like nothing and they can fully enjoy their time together. "Why don't we look at those stalls first" Beomgyu pointed to the part of the market in front of them.

They ended up in the clothing section and decided to make the most of it by trying on different kinds of bobble hats, scarfs and picking out interesting looking jumpers or socks for fun.

They continued to walk around the market for awhile and decided to take a break and get something to eat. They sat down on a bench and ate the churros they just bought at a nearby stall. It was around 2pm now and the sun was starting to lower itself getting ready for night.

When they were eating Jihyun noticed someone familiar in the distance and quickly covered her face. "What are you doing?" Beomgyu asks furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "My group of friends are over there" she slightly nudges her head to the direction of where her friends are.

He makes an 'o' shape with his mouth and decided to help her hide herself. "So why are you hiding from them?" He raises an eyebrow "I'm not sure really" she answers. "Let's go before they see us" she pulls Beomgyu up from the seat and pulled him towards the opposite side of the market.

When they stopped she was left panting but suddenly stopped scaring Beomgyu a bit. "Wait why are they out without me?" She asks the thoughts in her head out loud. "I thought they were being a bit distant in the past weeks before the Christmas holidays."

Jihyun was left with a frown on her face as she thinks about it more she comes to the realisation. "Are they going to ditch me?" Her eyes filled with tears and her thoughts ruining the perfect atmosphere that was going on around her.

Beomgyu panicked inside unsure of what he should do but eventually got a grip of himself when he saw the first tear falling from her eyes. He timidly walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her in a way of comfort. "Why does everyone leave me?" She cries out, Beomgyu could feel the dampness on his chest from her tears and feel his heart melt from what he was hearing.

"Shh it's okay I'll never leave you, I promise"

I'm going to try and catch up with txt's to do so I'm in for a long journey

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