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"What the hell!" Beomgyu raised his voice at her quickly stopping himself from letting anything else slip when he realises it's the familiar girl. Jihyun clearly out of her mind at the moment doesn't even think and raises her hand running it over the fresh bruises on his face making him wince.

"Who did this to you?" Jihyun asked him with all seriousness wanting a full answer. He only sighed and pulled her hand away from his face "if I didn't tell you before I'm telling you now stay out of my life, you don't belong in it. Trust me"

Beomgyu's hand went for the handle wanting to leave from her presence but before he could turn it she grabbed his arm. "Please tell me, i want to help you" Jihyun practically begs him. He lets out a small chuckle and smirks at her a smirk that sent several chills down her spine.

"you want to save me? It's too late for saving" he unknowingly felt his mood shift the once nervousness of being around someone left and was now left with emptiness, he felt lonely. He desperately wants company and there's many voices in his head telling him to tell her what's happening but the insecurities kicked in.

"I don't need you okay, and I will never need you why won't you take the hint and give up already!" Beomgyu let words fly out of his mouth and stormed off slamming the door on the way out.

He walked out of there with a heavy chest and he felt the emotions topple down on him. He felt bad for the way he acted but it's ne came an uncontrollable effect. If he ever wants the company he's always craved for he's going to need to control it and soon.

Jihyun felt confused, she was left o the janitors closet with her thoughts and her thoughts only. She didn't even move from where she way, she was hurt but she didn't know in what way but something in her cracked. What hurt the most is that she didn't even know the boy and he didn't know her yet it already felt so one sided.

She thought maybe she should take the hint, the more she tried the more it hurt and the closer she thought she was getting to him the more it stung when he said things like that.

Now she gets what daehwi means when he said that she shouldn't get involved with him. 'He probably is in a gang' she thought it all clicked and made final sense in her head. She didn't even notice how stuck in her head she was because by the time she snapped out of it her legs were aching from standing too long.

The semi dark room looked a lot bigger now maybe cause it was only her? Or because it felt so empty in many ways. She felt it at the bottom of her stomach emptiness, emptiness that she knows her friends can't fill.

It's a different kind of feeling she knows it but she can't pin point it though. She tried to shrug it off but the more she did it the more it grew this feeling has been growing stronger recently. She feels the more she ignores her problems the bigger they get until they blow up in her face.

It's like the worlds saying f you right I'm her face. She laughed at the analogy she made in her head. She couldn't believe that she had spent two periods in that closet a janitor caught her in there but fortunately she got away with a warning.

It wasn't her proudest moment but she was just glad that those two periods were the two of that day she didn't have with her friends, she didn't want to have that conversation with them. She's already too afraid to tell them about soobin why would Beomgyu be any different.

Speaking of soobin she felt her thoughts of him have died down in the past month or so. Maybe her feeling for him are fading? Or maybe she never felt anything in the first place and it was all just infatuation.

These thoughts lingered with her for the rest of the night until she finally got rest prepping herself for the next days of hell to come.

Hell is school of course
Dude why does school even exist people don't hate school cause of learning it's cause of tests and grades
Sorry just have a passion for hating school I guess :)

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