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Jihuns day went a little bit different, she spent the school day with her friends and enjoyed their company, she also spent some time in the library looking for a book to keep her occupied for the next week or so, she liked reading it was always a nice way to exercise her brain.

At the end of school she went to a familiar classroom, Jihyun spent her after school hours taking a study group, even though she wasn't that social of a person she always loved helping people even in the littlest things and it was always good when it was something that she was good at like studying.

The study group finished at around five pm and she left the now empty school. The sky was now completely dark but was complemented by brights stars and a big moon she smiled to herself and admired the sky for a while but quickly remembered that she should get home as it is dark.

She tries to walk home quickly but the more she went further away from school the more scared she'd get. She then decided to run to the nearest bus stop and wait for the next bus.

She waited a few minutes and then a little bus came around the corner sending a sense of relief to the girl. The bus was pretty empty which was surprising because it was the prime time to leave work. The bus ride didn't take long and it was only a few minutes before she was dropped off at her street.

The street was filled with middle class people who were quite full of themselves to say the least, she walked along the street and stopped in front of her house, she lived in quite a big house, it was new and modern and had too many rooms for the size of family living there.

Jihyun is an only child she never saw the need of having such a big house for the three of them but she was always glad that they had somewhere safe to stay.

She walked into the house and locked it afterwards, she ran into the kitchen hoping to see her parents but was quickly disappointedly be met with nothing but a dark room and a sticky note on the table. She turned the light and walked to the table, she picked up the sticky note and read it.

'Sorry we had to leave last minute again we don't know when we will get back, use the card left below this note to buy necessities that you'll need, stay safe from mum and dad'

She sighed it was becoming a habit of Jihyun being home alone, her parents were never really there and when they were they'd ignore her it's like she was never there. Jihyun walked over to the cupboards to check for something to eat. She thought she could maybe eat the pain away but to her disadvantage the cupboards were all empty.

She stomped over to the table and picked up the credit card left by her parents, she rushed out of the house and had to walk to the other side of town just to get to a decent supermarket. She didn't care about the dark this time she just needed a distraction and needed one fast.

The supermarket was quite full as it was around half five by now and was filled with middle aged people buying their groceries. She went bought everything she thought she might need, food, soaps, medicine and a few luxury items.

She left the store and started to swing her bag side to side to keep herself entertained on the way, but something made her stop completely on her tracks, a noise coming from her right. She followed it and she soon found herself at a little alleyway looking down on a boy covered in what she assumed blood.

"Oh my god" she whispers

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