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Sunday the 13th of November

Weeks have gone by and when I say week I mean weeks. They haven't spoken to each other at all. Beomgyu has been enjoying it to say the least but he doesn't like the uncomfortableness of locking eyes with yours. Over the weeks of not talking or interacting there have been many times when him and Jihyun would lock eyes.

He felt like he could read her easily from just that and didn't need to talk to her to know what's going on inside her head. Maybe that was the reason he didn't miss her? Because for Jihyun she felt like she couldn't read Beomgyu at all and always felt the urge to call out for him.

Beomgyu's home situation never got better though, he found himself getting more and more depressed everyday. In moments like this he wished he could reach out to someone, for someone to hold his hand and bring him back up.

Jihyun's parents still aren't back home, she hasn't even heard from them since they left. She had the constant fear or them not coming back or if they've gotten into an accident. She has a feeling that she will be spending Christmas alone this year.

Jihyun was walking down the dark cold streets, it's wasn't even that late around 5pm mid November. Ice covered the footpath and the sky was covered in clouds that could snow at any second. Jihyun was on her way home from her weekly shopping trip, she made sure to buy some extra hot packs as this winter seems to be more harsh than the past ones.

She suddenly here's shouting coming from one of the houses in front of her. She stops and secretly walks up to see what the commotion was about. When she was close enough she was able to make out clearly who the people were.

She was shocked to say the least, she saw the familiar boy being pushed out of his house whilst being shouted at. "You're such a failure can't you do anything right!" He was being screamed at so loudly to the point it started to scare Jihyun.

"B-but-" he tries to respond but quickly cut off by a slap. Jihyun gasps ans quickly covers her mouth, Beomgyu fell back on his but on the cold concrete floor tears falling out of his eyes as he whimpers in pain.

His father didn't even acknowledge his pain "please don't come back" and with that the door was slammed shut leaving the poor young boy outside in the cold alone. Jihyun couldn't believe her eyes and wasn't sure if what she was seeing was real and if it was what she would do.

Quickly bringing herself into reality she walked up to the boy who was sitting on the floor in pain. "Hey" she spoke softly gaining the boys attention but not in a good way. He quickly looks up at her and freaks out "what are you doing here, leave me alone!"

Beomgyu starts to get up from the ground and that's when Jihyun starts panicking 'i should've just left him alone he says he doesn't need me' she thought. He towered over the smaller girl making her even more nervous. "I saw what happened I just wanted to help" she says quietly.

Beomgyu's expression changed dramatically his once freaked out expression turned mad. "I already told you I don't need you how many times will it take for it to get inside your brain?" He asks mockingly. "I-i just wanted to know if you're okay" Jihyun kept making exudes for herself.

"You don't need to be concerned about me, don't you have your perfect family to get to? Go home and complain to mummy and daddy about how this boy isn't being friends with you!" he shouts at her without thinking. Jihyun felt like she was stabbed in the heart with a knife.

His words reminded of her of her parents who she missed a lot. She feels a tear roll down her face along with another, it was all getting too much the raised voices and his words were all too much for her.

She brought her arm up and wiped her tears "you don't know anything about my life, so stop just making assumptions about it" she brings her arm back down and walks away and doesn't look back.

Beomgyu be making wrong assumptions smh
Will he overcome his insecurities? 

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