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Beomgyu watched as she walked away already feeling waves of guilt. He read her wrong and it did this 'maybe I was being too harsh on her?'he thought. He was scared now this all reminds him of his parents, he doesn't want to become anything like his father.

He walked around the city trying to clear his mind from all the negative thoughts but his thoughts always trailed back to her, the girl who he doesn't even know.

He felt a tremendous amount of guilt, he shouldn't have shouted at her, he shouldn't have said that and he should have let her help all she's ever wanted to do was help and all he did was push her away and he finally just realised that.

His phone buzzed and his heart jumped thinking it might be the girl then quickly fell to realise she doesn't have his number and why on earth would she call him after the act he just pulled.

He took his phone out and the contact showed 'mum'
"Hello" he answered and waited for a response
"Hi Beomgyu get back home your father says he wants you back in ten minutes or else you're locked out for the night" and with that she hung up.

"Looks like I better be quick" he thought out loud.

December 14th

It's been a month instead of Beomgyu hiding away it's been Jihyun, she's purposely moved where her friends usually stand in the morning and sit at lunch all so she didn't need to see Beomgyu. What he said hurt her and she finally made the decision to leave him alone.

But for Beomgyu he felt the guilt slowly pick on him, he hates to admit it but he misses her as much as he tries to hide it. He misses how she actually cared, he misses the little bits of eye contact they'd have and he misses her in general.

It hurts him a lot too not seeing her and not being able to apologise. He aches to be able to do it but he doesn't know how to approach her or how to even apologise without looking desperate as that's what he's used to looking like when apologising.

The whole school days feel worse now that he can't even see her something in him just wants to know if she's alright, if she was okay after what happened.

He wondered if her friends knew but then again he thinks it's pretty obvious. After observing the school for a while he's noticed the behaviour of her friends. If they'd known they would make sure that he knows that they know. Beomgyu didn't really like her friends not because they were bad but because he thought they were too possessive.

They all seem very together he sees how they don't really talk to people out of their group it's like they can't go a day without each other but then again he doesn't know anything about friendships and doesn't want to make a false assumption again.

Today Beomgyu felt more sad about not seeing Jihyun, it's been over a month and he just wishes that he'd get the chance to apologise. He didn't even realise how out of it he has been over the past month he couldn't stop thinking about her to the point where it was driving him mad.

He didn't notice how the full class was staring at him, the teacher has called his name a few times and still no response. A large slam on his table sent him jolting up and met face to face with an angry teacher and a full class of students staring at him.

He gulps and waits for the teacher to speak. "Choi Beomgyu you are in this class to learn not to doze off, pay attention or you will get a detention!" The teacher shouts at him.

"Yes miss" he responds quickly hoping for the ground to open up and swallow him from the drowning of embarrassment he was feeling. Fortunately not many of the other students in the class continued to watch him and the school bell rang signalling the end of the day making Beomgyu sigh in relief.

So I'm already writing chapter 20 :/
I think I'm planing on have 25-30 chapters so I've almost finished writing it.
I've uploaded a teaser for my next fanfic. It's about Greek gods children I think it'll be fun to write. Anyway see you guys tomorrow!

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