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December the 25th

It was Christmas morning and by now Beomgyu had almost been staying in Jihyun's house for a week. In the past few days they've both been feeling closer to each other more than before. The feelings unfamiliar and makes them both feel a bit uneasy but excited for what the future has to come.

That morning Jihyun woke up early and and ran to the guest room to wake up Beomgyu. She barged into his room and jumped onto his bed. "Wake up its Christmas!" She shouts and starts to shake his body like he was some rag doll.

"What?" He grumbles barley opening his eyes. "It's Christmas come on" she pulls his arm and yanks him up which he groans at "let me sleep" he says and tries to lay back down. "Please come down or else I'll lay on you" she threatens which only made him laugh.

He decided to test her and lay back down and she did what she said and laid on top of him. Her face was in front of his and their noses were very close from touching. "You didn't believe me?" She asks raising an eyebrow, Beomgyu simples just return les the looks and easily pushed her off him making her squeal.

"Come back in an hour then I'll think about it" he turns around facing away from her "seriously?" She says to herself and sits and ponders how she'll get him up and then an idea popped in her head.

She sneakily went up behind him and pushed him off the bed. "Yay your finally out of bed!" She shouts "that was mean" Beomgyu rubs his but that he fell on and has his bottom lip stuck out giving Jihyun a small glare with a pout which she found adorable.

"Now come on let's go" she helps Beomgyu up and pulls him downstairs with her. "Woah slow down what's the rush?" She question her trying to stop himself from tripping and falling flat on his face from the speed she was going at. "You'll see" she responds.

They went into the living room and the Christmas tree that they decorated a few days ago was filled with presents underneath it which made Beomgyu gasp at the sight.

~December 21st~

"Jihyun I'm bored can we do something?" He asks the girl and places his head on her shoulder to gain her attention.

"Well we could put up the Christmas decorations I haven't done that yet" she suggests which Beomgyu quickly agreed to. Jihyun leads him to the garage to grab the boxes filled with all the decorations and ornaments. They got back inside and went to work putting them all around the house.

There was bells on the stairway, a reef on the door and fairy lights along the front of the house. And in the living room all that was left was the tree that took Beomgyu an hour to work our how to put up.

"Why did that take you so long?" Jihyun asks coming back inside from decorating upstairs. "We never had a tree at home so this is kinda new" he says shyly which made Jihyun regret asking as she thinks she made it a bit awkward. "Well we can decorate it together, I'll teach you how it's meant to look like."

"Okay so wrap the lights around the tree, like this" Jihyun showed him how to do it and he learnt quickly (of course cause it's not that hard) "wait i have an idea" Jihyun said out of nowhere and she ran to the side of the room.

Suddenly music started to play around the room and to be more specific Christmas music. She came back to Beomgyu and continued to decorate the tree and every so often sing along to the songs. Every time she would sing she'd miss Beomgyu start to stare at her admiring her voice.

They finished decorating, well almost. They only had the star left and Jihyun gave the honours to Beomgyu. He placed it on the tree and Jihyun cheered while Beomgyu was clearly a bit confused as to why she was cheering. "Oh I forgot the tinsel"

Jihyun starts to pull out the tinsel from the box "what can we do with this now?" She asks Beomgyu clearly hitting herself on the inside for forgetting about it. "I know" he gives her a cheeky grin and grabs a string(?) of tinsel and wraps it around Jihyun pulling it towards him.

Jihyun was now in front of him and he put the tinsel around her neck (not like wrapped around just placed around it) "can I have this dance?" He bows but in a corny way. "You can indeed"

The two dance for a while him having a fine grip on her waist and her arms wrapping around his neck. The whole moment felt so intimate to her and special. The two of them so close and the music in the background giving her a sense of nostalgia. By the end of the night when she was tucked in bed she knew it would be a day she wouldn't forget.

Sorry this took a while
I'm stuck on a chapter and my internet has not been working
Hope you guys are doing well :)

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