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Warning: this chapter has some sensitive scenes that include physical and mental abuse, read at your own risk.

Beomgyu spent his school day like he
usually would, hiding from the students and getting on with work, it's always been like that for him. He would hide in the bathrooms, janitors closet you name it he'd be in there, he just didn't want people to bother him.

He was now walking back to his house after the long day at school. It was now around 4pm but the sun was setting and half of the sky was already filled with stars to admire. Beomgyu liked the stars he would watch them from his bedroom window as a distraction of reality.

Unfortunately for Beomgyu it was still cold and the numbness in his body came back, he wished the season would end, he liked summer for the long and hot days so he could stay out for longer not like he had anyone to spend it with, and that was something he'd dwell on.

He approached his lower class house but something stopped him from entering he stopped by the door and sighed, he heard the voices of his parents, they were fighting again. He wished he could stop it but it would only cause him harm if he even tried.

He sat outside from the door facing the cold not caring anymore, it was too risky to go in but at the same time he'll get in trouble for being out in the dark. It was really a loose, loose situation and there was no getting out of it.

From outside he heard the cries of his mother, he felt bad all the arguments always ended with her crying but it wasn't like she was innocent she usually started them. His dads voice over powered the most he shouted and yelled at her until his voice was gone.

He heard the faint sounds of smashing that's when he got scared, that's never happened before, he slowly got up from his sitting position and rested his hand on the handle of the door. He's never been this nervous before and the silence after it made him even more scared.

He opened the door and was met with a mess, the house was covered in smashed plates and glasses and liquid covered the floor, he had no idea what it was but he wasn't sure if he wanted to anyway. He shut the door and slowly walked into the kitchen being careful not to step on any glass.

In the kitchen he saw his parents panting and blood running down his fathers cheek, he assumed his mum must've thrown a plate or something at his head but he didn't have much time to think because before he knew it his parents have spotted him.

"Home late aren't we?" His dad asks him with the most evil look in his eyes that sent shivers down his spine. Beomgyu was about to say something but he was pulled forward by his mother making him step on a piece of glass making him yelp.

He's never seen his parents this angry before and he's never been so frightened before. His dad grabbed him by the cheeks and pulled Beomgyu towards him. "You left with an attitude today, you could've broke the door!"

"You could've broke it, you know we can't afford a new one!" With every word he said his grip on Beomgyu got tighter "I-im sorry" Beomgyu chocked out "you think that's going to solve your attitude you ungrateful child, you don't even get good grades you're such a disgrace to this family"

Beomgyu thought that was it but he was wrong there was a sudden sting to the side of his face sending him to the floor of broke glass, the glass cut threw his hands sure to leave scars and his cheek stained red.

Beomgyu picked himself up and limped out of the house as fast as he could, he didn't want to be there anymore. Was he made it out of the house streams of tears left his eyes, he let out a pained cry of sadness, pain and anger.

He kept limping away trying not to put too much pressure on his foot, he found a small alley way and threw himself against the wall. His eyes were now red and swollen he couldn't stop crying, after all the years with living with his parents they've never physically hurt him.

He sat down against the wall throwing his head back letting the tears flow feeling as he let himself drown in sadness. He almost forgot about the cuts and pain around his body but then he accidentally let his hand fall the the floor letting the little glass shard push more into his skin causing him to let out another yelp. 'What am I going to do?'

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