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The two of them went back home after the incident. Jihyun was not in the right mental state to stay outside and Beomgyu knew that so he insisted to go home. By now the two of them were on the sofa diving into a pizza they had delivered to them.

Jihyun was now past the crying and sadness stage and has now moved on to the ranting and angry stage. "I don't even get why they can't just say they don't want to hang out with me to my face? Are they that much of a coward?" Jihyun was in the middle of a rant stuffing her face with pizza as a coping mechanism.

"They complain about me going on and hanging out with other people but that's all I can do if they leave me out like that" Beomgyu was frustrated right now not only about how she were upset but the way her friends treated her.

To him she was everything his salvation, the cure of his loneliness and now he hopes to be hers. "I spent years of isolating myself from everyone else and now they just ditch me and expect me to find other people" Jihyun scoffs.

"Don't worry about it, if you really want to we can always get revenge" Jihyun's head turned to him in a heat beat and he now got the full view of Jihyun's stuffed cheeks of pizza. "What could we even do?" She asks in curiosity, revenge sounds nice but how would you play it out in this situation.

"You know the term, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. Do something like that and then play their game, be buddy buddy with them and when they think they have you just never speak or talk to them again" he suggests.

Jihyun raises an eyebrow at him "as much fun as that sounds I don't think I could ever put up with them without being spiteful now" Jihyun admits. "I mean it you can just do the last part and ignore them all together" he makes another suggestion to her.

"That sounds perfect" she smiles a little "thank you" she thanks Beomgyu who was now looking at her confused "for what?" He asks. "For being her with me and for helping me through this" Beomgyu felt his heart beat faster from her words and he was lost for words.

"It's nothing Jihyun, you've done so much more for me this is the least I could've done" he managed to muster up a sentence and even though he wasn't thinking straight he meant every word. "I don't like seeing you hurt, it hurts me too" he says to her in almost a whisper.

"Promise me you won't let anyone hurt you again" Beomgyu pulls out his pinky "only if you promise to protect me from the people who will try and hurt me" she pulls her pinky out too. "I promise" he links them together and then they touch thumbs locking the promise.

Jihyun had so many questions for Beomgyu many that she knows she doesn't have the confidence to ask. Things like what are we? How do you feel about me? And what was the kiss about a few days ago? She's too scared of asking these questions incase if ruining the friendship but is this really a friendship or something more?

Beomgyu also has the same questions running around his head. He didn't know what to do, should he make the first move? How does he even do that? All he knew for sure is that he no longer just likes Jihyun, he loves her.

"Y'know I never really liked your friends" Beomgyu mentions trying to bring the conversation back. "Really, what didn't you tell me?" She asks him "I never thought it was a place I should stick my head into, i didn't want to stir up any drama"

Jihyun nods agreeing with his answer "if you had told me maybe this wouldn't have happened though? Or maybe not sometimes things in life are unavoidable" Jihyun says "yeah somethings are just unavoidable" Beomgyu copy's her but his words have a whole different meaning to them.

Triple update
Whenever you're sad just think of the txt whisper challenge.
I think about tapioca pearl and orangeade with kaigyu all the time

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