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Jihyun made her way to school the next morning still smiling from the txt message she received yesterday. She was confused as to why a simpler text could make her so happy but she wasn't complaining and enjoyed the feeling. By the time she had to made it to school her cheeks were pink and so were her fingers.

She walked up to her friends and have them a big smile, they all looked at each other and gave each other the same look. "What's made you so happy today?" Ryujin asks whilst throwing a hand over Jihyun's shoulder.

"Nothing~" Jihyun sings out still having the thought of Beomgyu in her head. Her friends all give her a look but quickly change the subject, Jihyun looks up and checks the corridor trying to find the boy she has in mind. She made eye contact with the boy and she give him a light smile and wave, which he awkwardly responded.

Her friends all took notice of this and started to freak out, "did she just wave and get a wave back from the emotionless Beomgyu?" Daehwi asks jeongin who was next to him staring back and forth at the two.

"Yes unless my eyes are lying to me" Jeongin responds, Ryujin who still had an arm around Jihyun's shoulder grip changes in shock and accidentally squeezed her shoulder tightly making Jihyun jump and Ryujin gasp "oh my god I'm sorry" she stated to pat where she squeezed hoping to make it better.

"It's fine" Jihyun doesn't make a big deal out of it and Ryujin sighed in relief. The group of friends decided not to talk about what just happened just now because they needed it process what happened themselves and because the school bell rang and class would start at any minute.

At lunch the group sat down at their usual table and started to make random conversations wether it be about some new hot substitute or something strange a student did. "And yeah taehyun just solved the problem like that" Jeongin finished telling his story of what happened when someone in the year below entered his class.

"Wow the younger ones are getting smarter these days" Ryujin commented. They continued to talk and didn't notice the pair of eyes staring at one of the girls there. Beomgyu was sitting at the other side of the cafeteria finishing his undone homework.

It's a first for him being here but for some reason he felt like he should but he felt uneasy in the crowded environment. He found that when he looked at her he felt himself at ease and maybe that's why he so easily let himself get lost by looking at her.

But when Beomgyu felt eyes on him he felt unsteady he looked around to check and saw Daehwi one of Jihyun's friends had caught him staring at her he mentally screamed at himself. Daehwi sent him a playful smirk and turned back to his friends and whispered something to Ryujin and to which she passed to Jeongin.

The group started to walk out of the cafeteria and down a corridor that Jihyun wasn't that familiar with but still knew it. It was the hallway were all the leftover lockers were that were usually owned by people who were late on picking a key.

"So what's up with you and Beomgyu?" Ryujin asked as soon as they stopped "what do you mean?" Jihyun asks confused not only by her friends question but by all of her friends faces too, they gave her a look that made it look like they knew something.

"Well you smiling so happily this morning, the wave, you being curious about him and asking questions" Ryujin explains "oh well I guess I've been talking to him" Jihyun tried to brush if not wanting to share too much not because she didn't want to but because she knew that beomgyu wouldn't like that.

"You've been talking to him what has he been telling you?" Daehwi asks "Well you see it's not my information to share, and you know I can talk to people and not tell you about it" Jihyun explains not liking the demeanour her friends at the moment.

Little did she know that Beomgyu was down that corridor that exact time and heard the whole conversation. He felt his heart beat faster when Jihyun didn't expose him and honestly felt proud of her about the way she stood up for herself. He couldn't soak up the feeling for long cause the bell signalling the end of lunch rang and students stared to come racing down the hallways.

So the reason why this took so long is because i needed to write more plans, so this fanfic is going to be 30 or more chapters buuuuuut I have no idea how I'm going to make Beomgyu and Jihyun end up together

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