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The fight continued until a teacher came running down the long hallway calling on them to stop. Which didn't originally work but after some more shouting and them pulling the boys off each other it finally stopped. When the boys were dragged away by the teacher the student all crowded around where the fight was.

There was small drops of blood on the floor it was like a trail going from one side to the other. Jihyun could only think the worse, 'did his cuts from yesterday open?' She thought and immediately went into a panic again, 'it might get infected and then he'll have to go to hospital'

She stopped herself, why did she care so much, she only met him yesterday and she's acting like she's known him for years. She told herself to care less but in the back of her mind she thought of him and in the pit of her stomach held the nerves she hid.

Her friends all turn to her and give her a stern gaze "what was that about?" Ryujin asks "it's nothing I just didn't want anyone to get hurt" Jihyun started to walk away not wanting to face their questions.

"C'mon first you ask us about him and now you try to save him, tells us what's happening" Ryujin started to nag you for answers "I want to tell you but I don't know if I should, just know that I found him in a situation last night and it wasn't a good one"

Her friends all nod but still not fully understanding the situation. They were worried for their friend, Beomgyu doesn't have a good reputation and they don't want Jihyun getting involved. Although the have no idea what Beomgyu even gets involved in, but then again nobody does.

Beomgyu sat in the nurses office after having a massive scolding from the headteacher saying why they shouldn't fight and how violence is bad. He himself didn't know why he threw that punch, he didn't care about the girl or like her but yet his full body was filled with rage when he mentioned her.

And now because of his un controlled rage he is sitting in the nurses office with a weeks detention, a swollen cheek and a cut to the left of his forehead. It wasn't as bad as the other guy though, he was left with a broken bloody nose that dripped everywhere a long with a black eye.

He was lucky that he was only left with a warning. The principal was going to call his parents and tell them about what happens but after a long time of convincing he managed to get away with a detention.

He was thankful, very thankful. If his parents found out things might be worse than what they were yesterday, he's now terrified that if he makes one wrong move he'll get hit or worse kicked out. He has no one else and no friends he would be left on the streets but he's terrified of opening up to someone.

It was now the end of the school day and students were rushing out on there way to get out of the hell hole called school. Jihyun was making her way out still trying to convince herself that she wasn't worried for the boy.

And it was like fate to her as when she was walking she spotted him sitting in the nurses office alone. She slowly walked up to him "why did you do that?" She asks him when she got close enough that he could hear her.

This caused the boy to flinch a bit not expecting someone to be in the room. He looks up and makes eye contact with the girl getting shocked at how it was her and how they keep on meeting and running into each other. "What do you mean" he spoke with his usual deep voice.

"Why did you punch him?" Jihyun asks getting closer every second, scaring Beomgyu a bit. He still isn't used to people being close to him and he wasn't sure how to act he felt the urge to to back away but at the same time didn't want any attention.

Beomgyu lets out a sigh he doesn't feel like he should need to explain himself and he's already made up his mind on that he wasn't going to explain himself "it's not important why I did it" he responds not wanting to keep the conversation for longer.

"Well how are your cuts are they better" Jihyun thought if she couldn't get the answer out of him she might as well get verification that he was okay and that she wouldn't feel the need to worry anymore. "I'm fine, I told you that yesterday can you not understand that!" Beomgyu lashed out a bit

The close proximity between them made him nervous even though they weren't that close and his anxiety was rising. His face moved to much and carried so much emotion he felt bolts of pain flow through his face hitting the cut in his fore head and his swollen cheek.

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