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He hissed and threw his head back letting the air hit his fresh cuts. Jihyun panicked and ran to him and cups his face to check if any more damage was done. She looks at Beomgyu's widened eyes and then thought for a while, it took her a while to realise but then it hit her.

She wanted to move her hand but something in her couldn't move she felt like she had to be there. She moved her eyes away from his and started to examine his face, his black hair rested beside his eyes, she moved her eyes down his face and they landed on his lips.

She felt tempted but at the same time she knew it was wrong and shouldn't be thinking about it. His lips were full and plump it was like it was made to tempt people into kissing them. She quickly snapped out of it and looked back up at his dark eyes.

It wasn't until now that she realised how breathtakingly handsome he was, his sharp shaw line, fluffy hair, intriguing eyes there was nothing wrong with his face it was simply perfect and she couldn't believe that was her just realising it.

Beomgyu on the other hand didn't know what to do, he's never had someone up close to his face. His widened eyes started to look around her face to check her rection to this and internally sighed with relief seeing that she was shocked too and that he wasn't alone.

They met eyes and Beomgyu felt trapped under her gaze as it felt like it held so much power. He coughed trying to get the attention away from the situation and this caused her to move away from him, making him feel like he could breath once again.

Jihyun removed her hand from Beomgyu's face feeling heat rise to her cheeks, "I-I'm sorry" she stutters still a but embarrassing "leave" he spoke coldly not forgetting to send her a cold look to go along with it. Jihyun felt herself get a bit mad, she only wanted to help him but he refused it in anyway.

"I'm just trying to help you" Jihyun huffs but Beomgyu wasn't having it and didn't know any better so he did what he knows best push her away. "You don't need to help me, I'm fully capable of looking after myself!" Beomgyu shouted at her.

"Why are you even here? I don't know you and you don't know me, I don't even know your name!" Beomgyu pushed back his hair when he finished feeling over whelmed but slightly guilty for shouting at the girl however what he was saying was true he didn't even know the girl.

Jihyun felt herself tear up a bit mentally cursing to herself for getting upset over such a little thing. The truth is, is that she can't handle when people shout at each other and definitely not when they shout at her. It's became and instinct to cry and it's uncontrollable sometimes.

"Jihyun" she said quietly but loud enough for him to hear "what?" He asks confused "my name, it's Jihyun" she sniffles a bit trying to stop herself from letting a year fall. "Well Jihyun, i don't need your help and I don't need you so please leave me alone" Beomgyu spoke his voice getting deeper with every word.

Jihyun couldn't even respond she already felt humiliated enough. She quickly walked out of the room not wanting to be near the boy now and not wanting to be near him any time close in the future.

She needs to learn to pull herself together before she can face him again.

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