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Present time

At the time the decorations went up there were no presents and last night there were non too so seeing the tree with presents beneath them was a sight to see for Beomgyu. "When did you do this" he asks Jihyun still staring at the tree. "Last night when you were asleep"

They both took a seat on the sofa and Jihyun pointed towards the tree "go on open them" she urges him. At first his face was confused "wait they're all for me?" Jihyun nods "who else would they be for?" Beomgyu gingerly got up and walked towards the tree.

"It's nothing big, you just came here with nothing so I got you essentials" Jihyun started to explain. Beomgyu spent the next few minutes opening presents and him continually saying thank you  there was one present left. There was only a little box wrapped up he picked it up and examined it for a while.

"What could fit in a box this size" he wonders out loud making Jihyun chuckle a bit. "Open it and find out" and he does just that and inside was a ring with their initials carved in. "Do you like it?" She asks

"I love it, although it only fits on my pinky" he stuck up his pinky to show her "I wasn't sure on your size so I got it a few sizes bigger than mine" Jihyun rambles. "I actually have one too" she mentions and Beomgyu's eyes light up "thank you again"

"I actually have something for you" Beomgyu says and ran upstairs and then cane running back down with a box in his hand "here open it" he hands her the box and Jihyun carefully opened the box. In the box it revealed a silver necklace with a moon dangling from it.

"Merry Christmas" he says when her eyes lay on the silver. "Beomgyu it's beautiful" she complements it and touches the silver chain. "Can you put it on for me please?" She asks "of course" he walked up behind her until she could feel his breath on her neck.

He moved her hair to the side for her to hold and took the necklace from her hands. He gently placed it around her neck and secured it at the back "done" he lets out as a whisper. He wanted to move but something in him made him stay put.

Jihyun turned her head to look at him their eyes locked and held so much emotion. She felt his face get closer and their noses almost touched until the doorbell was heard. They both jumped away from each other, Beomgyu scratching the back of his neck. "I should get that" Jihyun says and the ran away to open the door.

"Oh soobin hi! Merry Christmas" she greets the older male "Merry Christmas Jihyun" he sends her a nice warm smile that made his dimples pop out that immediately cured all of Jihyun's worries. "Hey Jihyun who is it?" Beomgyu's deep voice was heard.

Before she could do anything Beomgyu was behind her now looking at the other male. "Beomgyu this is Soobin, Soobin this is Beomgyu" she introduced them to each other. "Oh so you're the boy she keeps on talking abo-" "Soobin I don't know what you're talking about" she cuts him off.

Soobin smirks at her a bit "Soobin and I have known each other since we were in dippers, unfortunately" at the last word she sent Soobin and glare making his smirk fade and instead turn into a nervous smile. "Anyway Soobin come in it's cold"

The three of them sat inside the warm house, shared stories and made new memories together. They all made Christmas dinner together and after went out in the snow. After multiple snowball fights and a few snowmen made and destroyed they came back inside looking for the heat again.

During the day Jihyun found herself looking at Beomgyu a lot. Like her eyes had a magnet to him and she couldn't do anything to stop it. Whenever they went near each other or whenever their arms brushed she felt her stomach do flips.

Today Jihyun realised that the small crush she had on Soobin for years was infatuation nothing more nothing less but for Beomgyu it was more than that and now that's she's aware she doesn't know how she should act. It wasn't only Jihyun who realised today though, Beomgyu felt the same like their souls are the same.

He was also confused he has never felt like this before 'what if it's all fake?' He asks himself. He tries not to think like that as everything he's feeling feels so real. The urge he has to be around Jihyun was something that could not be faked.

By the time the three settle down Soobin thought it was time to go home. They all waved goodbye and Jihyun and Beomgyu walked back into the house. "So you always talk about me?" Beomgyu asks and moves his eyebrows up and down to tease her "shut up" she scoffs and hits his arm causing Beomgyu to laugh at her.

She walks away from him but couldn't get far as Beomgyu grabbed her arm "can we watch another movie?" He asks giving her puppy eyes so she won't refuse. "Fine, you can pick a movie and set it up I'll make us drinks."

When Jihyun came in with the drinks (which is two hot chocolates) the movie was just starting. She hands him his drink and sat down next to him "so what did you pick?" She got comfortable on the sofa with them being shoulder to shoulder.

"Home alone" he responds to her questions, the two then fell into a silence not an awkward one though. They say and watched the movie both finishing their drinks sooner than expected. By the time they were done they were both too lazy to move. "C'mon Beomgyu lets go to bed" she tries and encourage him.

"No let's just stay here please" he rejects the offer. Jihyun slowly got up and picked up his arm trying to pull him up. "Let's go" she says and tries to pull him up again but didn't go to well as planned. When she pulled his arm he pulled it back causing her to fall onto his lap.

"I'm sorry" she apologises and tries to get up but Beomgyu holds her down "it's fine let's just stay like this for tonight" he grumbled out evidence he was tired. Jihyun eventually gave up and Beomgyu sensed that and placed his chin on her shoulder. "Good night" he whispers in her ear and fell asleep.

I don't really know about this chapter but hey...
Anyway hope everyone's doing good

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