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On the outside of the coffee shop the husband and wife came strolling down the street complaining about how much the world has changed. The wife turned her head and glanced at a certain coffee shop. She looked at the window and glanced at the menu and when her eyes met the window again she saw someone familiar.

In the shop she saw the recognisable boy, her son and he was with someone she move her eyes over and saw him with a girl. She quickly elbowed her husband "look in the coffee shop there's something you might want to see"

When they were staring at the couple in the coffee shop they were completely oblivious to it. "Thank you for coming out with me today, I should probably head home now" Jihyun spoke breaking the comfortable silence made by drinking their hot chocolate. "It's not probably but let me walk you home it's getting dark"

"It's fine you don't have to-" "yes I have to, i don't want some old guy to attack you" he argues with her and she knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer any time soon. "Fine my house isn't too far from here"

They made their way out of the coffee shop, still not noticing the older couple looking at them like they were their pray. Fortunately for the pair (Jihyun and Beomgyu) they walked the opposite way as which was known the way to the rich/nice area of the city.

They walked together arms brushing against each other time to time but no more physical contact was done more than that. There was a comfortable silence but for some reason Jihyun wanted to break it. "Don't the starts look brighter in the winter? It's nice how you can usually see Venus too in January and February"

"You know things about the starts?" He asks a bit amazed by it, he thinks it's cool and likes how she and him might have something in common. "Not much, the only constellation I know is the Big Dipper and i know where the North Star is but that's it"

He nods his head still happy to know that she knows a bit about it "I'd like to know more though, space is so big and interesting" Jihyun finished her little talk about stars hoping that Beomgyu would continue as he seemed interested.

"Do you like the stars?" She asks hoping to get him talking more "yes I love them, not only are they beautiful but the fact that their light travels hundreds and thousands of mile and for it just to reach you. It gives you a feeling of being special" he smiles again and looks up at the sky filled with constellations of many sorts.

Jihyun found herself admiring him from the side not just for his looks but the fact that his personality was as good as it. The way he smiled at the stars could heal any sickness the way he talks could heal the deaf.

All of his traits made Jihyun's heart beat faster and faster at the point where even looking at him could cause a heart attack. She didn't realise that she got lost in thought and neither did Beomgyu, you both stood still on the empty street one admiring the stars and one admiring the admirer.

She shook herself to reality and was glad that Beomgyu didn't notice her staring. "Beomgyu..." she calls out his name but she didn't get a response from him. "Yah Beomgyu" she shook his arm making him jump a bit.

"Good you're alive" she comments making him giggle and that was enough for her heart to stop on the spot. "What are you doing to me" Jihyun mumbles out "what was that?" He asks her but she only smiles "it was nothing now we should hurry" she starts to run ahead.

"Jihyun wait up" he catches up to her faster than she suspected. "God you're fast" she says still trying to catch her breath "no you're just slow" he said sassily and started to walk ahead even though he had no idea where he was going.

"Beomgyu you just walked past the house" Jihyun laughs as he had to come walking back, he scratches the back of his head and lets out a small chuckle "well anyway thank you for walking me home, I should probably sleep" Jihyun started to walk up the drive to the front door. "Bye" she waves.

Beomgyu waves back surprised of the size of the house. It wasn't till then when he realised how different their upbringings were and how different their lifestyles are. 'If you do well in the future one day you can be somewhere like this' he tells himself taking a mental note.

"Of remember beomgyu you can always come to me if you need anything!" she shouts to him  and enters her house. Beomgyu turned away and started to make his way back to his 'home', back to hell, back to where he belongs, back to the humans he loves and hates.

Soooooo my sleep schedule is completely ruined again.

And I definitely don't have ten chapters I wrote months ago for a taehyun fanfic I was meant to post before this one, I kinda forgot about it. It's based off the song 20cm but I didn't think it was good enough to post and it's meant to be a short fanfic anyway.

Also I know this is txt but you guys should definitely watch the blueprint mv by stray kids.
sorry he just looks so cute :(((

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