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Friday the 19th of December.

jihyun found herself searching for Beomgyu after school. She searched high and low and found him when she least suspected it. "Beomgyu you came out of nowhere I was literally just looking for you" Jihyun told him and started to trail behind him whilst he walked to wherever he was going.

"What are you doing?" He asks her turning around to face her and furrowing his eyebrows "well I was hoping you'd come out with me" she says looking up at him with hopeful eyes that killed him. "And why would I do that?" He kept the same look on his face.

"Because i want to get to know you better, please come" she begs him "I don't know-" he got cut off "please!" She says louder this time "you're not going to stop until I say yes aren't you?" He asks "glad you caught on now let's go" she links her arm with his.

Beomgyu was happy that she wanted to spend time with him but at the same time worried because he was only lucky that his parents weren't home yet the last time they went out. "So Beomgyu have you always isolated yourself?" She asks him.

It caught him off guard but he answered "no not really before my parents started to get at each other and my dad was fine, I had friends well one to be exact he was nice but things started to change" he stops there leaving Jihyun in curiosity.

"What happened?" She asked "well he only added fire to the flame, when everything came falling down in my life he was one of the people who pushed" Jihyun got what he was saying "well I'm not going to do that to you" she told him

"I know you're probably not comfortable being with me but I promise I won't try and push what I shouldn't" she said hoping it's make sense. Beomgyu looked down at the girl and saw her cling onto his arm as their arms were still linked. He found himself smiling down at her feeling a new sensation in his stomach.

Jihyun looks up at him and catches him staring, "you have a beautiful smile, you should smile more" she says as she finds herself admiring it. Beomgyu felt his face flush a light colour of pink and turned away biting his lower lip.

He still wondered how he managed to feel so comfortable around Jihyun after only talking to her for a few days but it's for like he's known her for his whole life, like she already knew his whole story and he knows all of hers. "Oh let's go in here they have the best hot chocolate" she said catching him out of his daze.

They walked into the little coffee shop and she took them to the counter. "Can we get two hot chocolates medium please" she orders for them. When the waiter came back with them she took out her purse to pay but when she had gotten in Beomgyu had already payed and was holding their drinks.

He started to walk to a table in the corner and Jihyun followed behind "Beomgyu i was going to pay" he put the drinks down on the table and took a seat.

"It wouldn't be fair to let the woman pay" he says "well at least let me pay for mine" she flops down on the chair in front of him and took her drink then to realise that it was too hot and found herself fanning her mouth and have wide eyes.

Beomgyu who was in front of her watched the whole seen and found himself laughing at her and by laughing he was fully going for it. By the time she swallowed it she turned to Beomgyu who was still laughing "stop laughing it was hot" she whined

"That's why it's called hot chocolate" Beomgyu responded trying to control his breath again "and that was karma for complaining about me paying" he still wore the smile on his face and Jihyun going her heart beating faster when he looked at her with it she found it charming in every way and his laugh was like music to her ears she couldn't get enough of it.

Okay so eternally mv confused the hell out of my brain.
Also what's your favourite song on that album? Mines fairy of shampoo, a bit of tmi I listen to it before I sleep every night.

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