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When Beomgyu got home she was surprised to see that his parents also arrived at the same time. He felt fear creep up him and he wasn't sure what he was going to do but what took him to more shock was when his mother walked up to him and grabbed him by the ear pulling him inside.

"Who was that girl you were with?!" She shouts at him as soon as the door was shut "what do you mean?" He asks not wanting to tell them about Jihyun yet, scared on how they'll take it or what they might do to her.

"That girl in the coffee shop with you, is she your girlfriend are going out and doing things with her" his mother started interrogating him "w-what no she not my girlfriend and what do you mean by things?" He started to back away but his back hit the wall.

"Don't lie to me!" He received a strong slap on his face "is she the reason why your grades aren't that good?! Are you out late because of her?!" His mum kept on shouting at him and he felt like he wanted to shiver into a little ball.

"No! She's not, it's you it's all because of you!" He talked back for the first time however by looks on his parents face they were less than impressed. "Don't you dare talk to your mother like that" his dad growled out and if looks could kill Beomgyu would be dead.

"You talk to her like that all the time, it's you who I would've learnt it from" Beomgyu defended himself but quickly gets grabbed from his dad "now you listen to me, we have given you a roof over your head and food and this is how you treat us?"

"What about how you treat me!" He cries "you guys are roofless creature, be a little human!" He shouts "get out" his dad snarls "what" Beomgyu whispers. "Get out or I'll make you" Beomgyu stood still but his dads patience runs out quickly and he soon found himself thrown out of the house.

He looked up and saw his parents staring down at him and what looked like fire dancing in their eyes. "And don't come back" and with that said the door was slammed and Beomgyu was left on the cold hard ground on a late December night.

When he thought things couldn't get worse it started to rain and it started to rain heavily. He felt all his emotions pile down on him and he let out a cry, tears cane running out of his eyes all he wanted was love but that was something he never got.

Instead of sitting there he picked himself up off the floor and started to walk to the place where his body would take him, somewhere he could trust. He made his way along the dark city streets and getting drenched in the rain 'how dramatic is this?' He thought.

He started to shiver in the cold and be more aware of the rain pouring down on him. His tears still running down his face and his eyes starting to sting, he wondered what he did to deserve the treatment he got, why he was so unloved in that house.

He decided not to dwell on it and started to walk quickly even with his lack of energy. He trailed threw the rain and finally made it to the house that was knew to him, the house that was way out of his league but hoped to live somewhere like that in the future.

He walked up to the front door and gave it a gentle knock and waited in the rain for a few minutes before he heard running to the door. "Sorry it took so long to answer-" she cut herself off when she saw Beomgyu standing there.

"Please...help me" he says and she takes his hand and pulls him inside sorry written all over her face. She led him to the living room and made him sit in a seat. "Wait here for a minute" she says and runs out of the room and came back in with a towel.

She placed it on his showers and sat next to him "if you want anything else I'll get you it" she was going to get up again but he grabbed his arm stopping her "it's fine, thank you" he sends her a soft smile and snuggled into the towel to warm up.

"So what happened?" She asks him wanting to know what happened in the space of an hour. "They figures out about you-" he stops and thinks about what to say "they weren't happy, they said something's and fought back. I got kicked out and I think for real this time."

Beomgyu started to break down in tears again "what did I do to them?" He asks taking deep breaths in between words. Jihyun didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around him embracing him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist and put his face in her neck.

She felt his hot tears on her neck and she rubbed his back as comfort, "you didn't do anything wrong don't believe anything they tell you, you're perfect just the way you are" she whispered comforting words in his ear "I'm always here for you remember that"

This one is longer
Still debating on how Jihyun and Beomgyu are going to end up together?
Any suggestions?

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