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The next day of school was a bit more intense to say the least. She didn't really know her life would change after meeting one boy, it's like her life was flipped upside down and she had no control. It started in the morning she got up did her usual daily routine and left for school.

She made it to school and walked into the building meeting her friends by the entrance as usual however she wasn't in the mood to talk today after yesterday her brain was always on that guy and if he was okay or not.

She remembers seeing him at school sometimes and took the opportunity to look around and to see if she could find him around all the other teenagers and it was like god wanted her to find him because as soon as she looked at the entrance he walked in.

He wore the typical teenage outfit, sweatpants, sweater and accessories to go with it. His black messy hair was shown and fell over his face. His eyes were half closed evidence that he's not had enough sleep or he's stressed. Jihyun kept a close eye on him and when he was walking closer to them she elbowed one of her friends.

"Yah deahwi" she spoke to him gaining his attention "yeah?" Deahwi looked down on his friend and noticed she was staring at someone. He smirked a bit and followed her eyes to see where she was looking. "Who is that?" She subtly points to the boy from yesterday.

Daehwi widens his eyes in shock, "look Jihyun I wouldn't recommend getting close to that guy, he's bad news" daehwi quickly informs her "please daehwi I just want to know his name and a little about him, I've never seen him before, I'm just curious" she quickly explains herself.

Daehwi sighs before giving up "fine. That's Choi Beomgyu known as the emo of our year, he always hides from people and barely talks at all, he gets bullied sometimes but it never goes too far" daehwi quickly explains to her and Jihyun nods her head taking in the information.

"How do you know so much about everyone?" Jihyun asks daehwi but he only shrugs "I know people" he simply answers and then he goes and joins the group conversation again. Jihyun spaces out still keeping an eye on Beomgyu who was now making his way to the staircase. 'He really does like to hide away' she thought.

It was now lunch time and Jihyun and her friends were all at their table, eating their lunches and chatting about random things. "So Jihyun, why did you ask about Beomgyu earlier?" Ryujin asked and the proceeded to wiggle her eyebrows too.

"There's no reason behind it, I was just curious nothing more" she keeps her answer short knowing if she put to much effort they'd think she liked him or something. "Oh really, you sure about that?" Jeongin teased from the other side of the table.

"I'm sure guys-" she was cut off when a bang from the hallway caught our attention "what was that?" Daehwi was quick to say and all of them ran out to the hallway to check what the noice was about.they got to the hallway and saw a boy being pushed up against the locker by another boy.

As they got closer Jihyun could make out the boys faces and was shocked to see the boy being pushed against the locker was Beomgyu. "So you think you can go around ignoring people, do you think your better than all of us?" The boy holding him up shouted in his face angering Jihyun.

Jihyun was lost in emotions and make a decision without thinking. She stormed up to the boy and pulled his arm away from Beomgyu "leave him alone" she spoke in a tough tone to make her seem stronger than she was.

The boy only laughed in her face "and look who we have here, is this your girlfriend Beomgyu?" He asks him trying to see how mad he could get him "I mean she is very pretty, it's too bad she's out of you league" by this time Beomgyu was boiling with anger.

He quickly ran up to the boy and threw a punch right in his face causing The boy and Beomgyu to go into a full fist fight. Jeongin quickly ran up and dragged Jihyun away from them so she wouldn't accidentally get hit.

"Jeongin let go, I need to stop them" Jihyun struggles in his arms but Jeongin doesn't budge. At this point everyone was panicking no one knew what to do, Beomgyu was too mad to stop and everyone started to get scared of what would happen if they even tried to intervene.

Yes that's right I wrote a new chapter today, I'm so proud of myself :')

Let's just hope I can continue doing this I have a lot planned for this book I just need to figure out how I'm going to portray it.

I also have many good ideas for future fanfics so you should definitely follow ;)

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