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Lisa Pov:

Just A normal night making my dear husband dinner even tho he most probably isn't gonna eat it.

I sat by the long table eating my meal alone,again.
It's a habit of his,but im sure he has his reasons.He is trying to provide for us.I should be thanking him.He works very hard.

I looked at the time.


Once again I got up and placed my cutlery in the basin before washing them.Once Ive finished I go into our cold room and cover myself beneath the blankets.

I look beside me just  to see the empty spot where he's supposed to be...I miss him...

But Of course.I never forget to messaged him.


When are you coming back?
(I noticed he was online)

Didn't I tell you not to disturb me at work?
(His normal reply)

Okay,Sorry,Just wanted to make sure you're okay..But Ill see you soon right?Love you♡♡♡

I switched off my phone and dozed off to sleep.


Jungkook pov

"Hmm That was fun baby,Ill see you tomorrow?" I said kissing her lips
"As always"She then got up from my lap and put her clothes back on before leaving my office.

I checked my phone to see 3 miss calls from Lisa...

5 hours later

Lisa pov:

My eyes fluttered open due to a loud thud waking me up.
There he was...My beloved husband taking off his shoes.I smiled seeing him...He looked exhausted...I feel bad...He is working so hard...

I then closed my eyes pretending to be asleep, He said I should be asleep by 8 already but since he's never back then I go to sleep at 10.

Suddenly I felt my hand being pushed aside before the bed shaked indicating he is getting on it.

It suddenly reminded me of something....

Lisa and Jungkook's honey moon

"So should we go to bed?All this food is making me exhausted "Jungkook said rubbing his stomach.
"Haha Okay,Let's go to sleep" I belly flopped on the bed making all the rose pedals fly.

I then moved to my side of the bed and closed my eyes.

"Hey what do you think you're doing hm?"Jungkook
"Going to sleep?"I said turning my head towards him.
"Come here"He then opened his arms which I guess meant I should hug him?

He then embraced me and I snuggled feeling his warm body.

"From now on we sleep like this okay?"Jungkook
"Okay" I said smiling while I layed comfortably in his arms.

End Of flashback.

I only now realized I was smiling widely but my smile soon faded once I snapped back to reality. Now we dont even face each other while sleeping...

But nothing will change my love for him....


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