Be better for me

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Lisa Pov:

Me and Jungkook had a long hug. We didnt say anything we were just embracing each other.

Its been a while since we've been like this.Just being in his arms once again is refreshing.

After some time we made some dinner together and ate it.We then layed in Jungkook's bed and we were now watching some k dramas while eating popcorn.

When I first separated from Jungkook watching K Dramas alone was all I did.I watched romance ones especially. I can't even count the amount of tears I shattered while watching them...It really got me in my feels.

I was hugging his waist as the laptop was ontop of us.It felt nice and warm like this.I didn't wanna leave..But do I have to leave tho?Nah...

But I still wanted to ask Jungkook something....

"Do you promise to not be so over protective?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you should allow me to go out,I understand if you don't want me out too late,I know you're just concerned, but at least let me visit my friends in the day,Also allow me to talk to the male gender"

"You know You don't have to worry about other guys, They will never make me feel the same way you do,I only love you,I cant seem to love anyone else,trust me I tried.."

Yes,Im talking about Eunwoo.Yes,Eunwoo is such a sweetheart and maybe I liked him a bit,But whenever I would think about starting a relationship with him I feel like I can't...The feeling of letting go of the one I truly love is painful...But Eunwoo will always be my closest friend..And im sure he is okay with that as well,One day he will find a girl that will treat him with loyalty and love,He deserves it.

"Fine...But I don't want you out after-"
"Yeah yeah Relax,Ill be home before 8pm,Ill make sure you know where I am and I will not have any physical contact with any guys "
I personally have no problem with that tho.That is also kinda what i want Jungkook to do so I will treat him the way I want him to treat me. Sometimes you just have to think about how your lover would feel and understand why he thinks that way.

At the end of the day you cannot get mad at the fact your lover is jealous, its a normal thing,And it shows he truly does care.

"Where's your ring by the way?"Jungkook
"Still in my bag,im too lazy to get up"
I heard him chuckle.

"I love you Lisa"He pecked my forehead.
"I love You too Jungcock- wait-"

"Yah what did you call me!?"Jungkook
"Wait!It was a mistake- haaaa"I was cut off when he started tickling me.

"Yah stop haha!I might kick the laptop causing it to flyhaha!!!"

Next Morning.

Taehyung Pov:

"Hubby do I look fat?"Jennie
"Jennie...You're pregnant...What am i supposed to say?"
"Waaah!Im no longer segsy!!!"She then slammed herself onto my chest as she started crying.

"Hey relax,you're beautiful no matter what.."I smiled and hugged her.

"Stop lying!Im the only fat one gonna be there!"


Jungkook and Lisa have called us to thank us for helping them get things back on track.Lisa then suggested we do a meet up,Its been awhile since we've all been together...
Everyone is all busy with their own separate lives..

Im really glad things are finally turning out the way we wanted it to from the start.The eight of us are like family, nothing can break us apart...

"Okay...Im just overreacting,Am I giving you a hard time love?Im sorry,you're such a good husband eek!"She then went onto her tippy toes and kissed me.I immediately responded but after a while we stopped..

She's already pregnant...

"Come let's go before we're late"


3 more chapters left guys 😭🎇

Altho I wanted to ask ,do yall want like a smut before i end it?😳🤔😏

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