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Lisa pov:

"You ready?"Taehyung
"Come on Lisa,You saw him a few weeks days ago"Taehyung
"But I don't know what i should do!"

Jennie then held my hand and caressed it.
"Follow your heart okay?Be honest with yourself,don't hide what you really feel,because that will hurt you more than he did..."Jennie

I gave her a tight hug.

"Thank you guys for being there for me..Especially you Taehyung,I know how close you and Jungkook are.."
"No problem,now go in"Taehyung.

I then stared at his big house before Letting out a breath and I walked to the door.

I noticed there were guards...But they probably already knew who I was since they opened the door right away...

I then walked inside and looked around..

Why does he have such a big house if he's the only one living in it?

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Why does he have such a big house if he's the only one living in it?...
Must be lonely...

"Lisa?"I heard his voice which made me freeze on the spot..
Im scared...

"Lisa?"I heard him again but I couldn't move

"Can you hear me?"He then touched my shoulder and I almost fell backwards but he caught me . OMG WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME???

"Are you okay?"He said looking straight into my eyes.
I stared at his face...He looked so concerned...But also confused...

I know I only saw him a few weeks ago but its like im seeing a whole new person...

"Do you wanna sit down?"He held my hand...I stared at it...I suddenly remembered when he said goodbye to me..I really thought that would be the last time I saw him..

I nodded...

We then walked over to his couch and sat down..

"Uh..Do you..Want something to drink?Or eat?Or-"I cut him off by hugging him tightly...I don't know why but I started to cry..It just kept coming...

"Im sorry Jungkook" I said as i cried on his shoulders.
"Wait why are you saying sorry?"Jungkook
"I dont know,I just feel guilty"

He then removed me from his shoulders as he made me sit up straight holding my arms.

"Don't cry..."He took his right hand and caressed my cheeks..
"Let me see your beautiful smile"He said giving out a light smile...

Seeing him smile like that made me wanna cry more...
I moved his hands from me and hugged him again as I sobbed...

"Lisa,What's wrong?"Jungkook
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Tell you what?"Jungkook
"About your parents?Why didn't you tell me your father ruined you?Why didn't you tell me you were struggling?I could've helped you,Changed you..I would've understood the situation better!Why Jungkook?Why!?" I started yelling.

"Hey,Relax..."He then embraced me as he hugged me tight rubbing my back.
"I just...I didn't know what to do...I didn't think it was something to be talked about"Jungkook
"Did you wanna do it?"
"No...I didn't want things to turn out how it did...I was stupid I know...I wasn't thinking properly...I should be the one saying sorry..."Jungkook

"Shut up"

"Did you really change?Are you really....Not your father anymore?"

"I never wanted to be...I will not be him...I just want you Lisa,You're the only thing I care about...You know...If you hadn't of still had the ring,and you really were over me...I'd still always love you...And for that..I'd care what you feel...I would leave you alone and let you be happy...Even if that means I'll be here alone and useless...You're too important "Jungkook

I felt like crying even more...Why does he sound like a complete sweetheart now?
I immediately jumped onto him and hugged his waist as I cried on his chest..

"Why are you still crying?"Jungkook
"I missed you so much..."
"I missed you too.."He once again rubbed my back hugging me..

You know what?I'm done lying to myself...

"I forgive you Jungkook,I forgive you,Can we please start over again?I can't live like this anymore,it hurts"
"I was just waiting for that baby..."I saw him smile as he kissed my lips...

Maybe Its best if we both just forget Our past,I just wanna live happy and start all over again...


I got up and was about to say something
"Yes we're still married,of course i didn't sign those papers"He said as he pulled me into another hug.

This feels so much better...


Guys Please report "non fiction" On YouTube,They were sexualizing Lisa and bodyshaming the girls.

Guys Please report "non fiction" On YouTube,They were sexualizing Lisa and bodyshaming the girls

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They also reacted to Lilifilm💀

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