Adore You

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Jungkook Pov:

After quickly driving Lisa to her house to get packed I went to to the store to buy a few things.

Of course I needed to buy snacks and drinks for this evening but I also wanted to buy her something.

I was in the drinks isle.I bought some sodas,I would buy some Soju but Lisa said she doesn't want any of us to be drunk.So I just bought some juice and cola.Of course I bought her some of her favourite chocolate milk as well.

I then went to the luxury isle as I bought some chips,Gummies and other sweets.Im not buying food because Jennie and Taehyung said they wanted to make it.Not that im complaining tho,They make good food.

I also bought Lisa some chocolates. The girl is obsessed with chocolate.


After buying what I needed for the gathering I went into the chanel store..
I wanted to buy her a nice perfume..

After that I bought her a necklace

I wanna try my best to make up for the things ive done to her

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I wanna try my best to make up for the things ive done to her..I want to make her feel special..Because she is very special to me...

After some time I drove back to Lisa's house.

"Love?You done?"
"Yes,Can you help me carry them?"Lisa
"No need to ask"
I kissed her cheek before grabbing the bags from her hand and packing them into the van.

After we finished we drove back to my- Our house...

"Jungkook ill pack my stuff away tomorrow, let's just finish setting up before everyone comes."
"Okay, Ill start with cutting the fruit neh?"
"Ill do the luxuries!" She was about to walk over to the bags but I remembered I forgot to take out her things.

I quickly ran towards it and grabbed out the bags with her necklace and perfume.She gave me a weird look.

"I just bought some...u-underwear?Ill put it in my closet"I then ran upstairs leaving her dumbfounded.

After that we started setting up the tables.

"WAH!JUNGKOOK!"Lisa shouted which made my gaze leave the fruit and land on her shocked face while she held up the chocolates and milkshake I bought her

She then ran to me and gave me a hug.I hugged her back.

"Thank you so much "Lisa
"Don't be surprised ,You'll be getting more of those don't worry"

As soon as we finished the doorbell rang.

Just in time.

I walked towards to door and was greeted with the rest of the 6.

"Waah Unnies"Lisa yelled
"Lisaaa-poo!"Chaeyoung and Jisoo ran towards lisa to give her a hug.

I then hugged my hyungs.

"Wow,Its been such a long time hey?"Jennie
"Yeah,By the way,Im so happy you and Jungkook worked things out,im proud of you two"Jisoo
"Thank you Noona"

"Anyways,This is hella awkward, Can we get straight to eating?"Chaeyoung
"Heyy,Let's first talk a bit and catch up,it's been a while since we've all been together "Jin

"Yeah it has..Kinda my fault tho..You guys probably hate me now"
"Hey,Don't put pressure on yourself,We're family okay?We'll never hate you,Maybe we were disappointed, But We know you're trying to change,We've known you for a long time Kook,And as long as Lisa is happy right?"Jin said patting my shoulder.

"Yes,Im very happy for this"Lisa said with a bright smile.

"Yes,Im very happy for this"Lisa said with a bright smile

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Words cannot explain how much I adore you Lisa...


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