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Lisa Pov:

"So Lisa are you moving in?"Jimin
"What do you mean?"
"I mean are you gonna stay with Jungkook now?"Jimin
"Yes,Of course "
"What about your house?"Chaeyoung
"I sold it to a real estate owner"

We were all sitting on the couch.I had my head resting on Jungkook's arm as we all sat there bored.

"Damn,What should we talk about?"Jennie
"What do old people talk about?"Jimin
"Yah we aren't old!"Taehyung
"Well I mean grown ups..."Jimin

"I miss highschool..."
"See this is why i told you guys she should just eat,There's literally nothing to talk about"Chaeyoung.

"Let's talk about Jungkook and Lisa"Jin
"What about us?" I lifted my head.

"I mean are you guys completely on good terms?"Jin

I looked up at Jungkook.

"As long as he's honest with me and tells me how he feels.." I said still looking straight into his eyes.

I don't know why but when I look into Jungkook's eyes....They look...How do i call it...


He looks disappointed...

"Guys I told you...Im serious...I regret doing what I did,Im never gonna do it again...Last thing I wanna do is hurt her.."Jungkook said smiling at me.

But It felt like it was fake.

"Aww"Chaeyoung said
"Well now that that's clear,I guess we can eat"Jin

We all got up but I wanted to talk to Jungkook.

"Jungkook can i talk to you for a moment?"
"What's wrong?"Jungkook

I pulled him over to the corner of the house so no one could hear.

"Be honest with me"
"What do you mean?"Jungkook
"Are you okay?"
"Yes,why?"But he still had that same look in his eyes.

"Jungkook Don't lie to me...I know you're still hurting inside, tell me what's wrong"
"Lisa im not-"I cut him off by hugging him tightly.

"Stop lying"
I don't what him to lie anymore...I don't want things to repeat...I just wanna live happy with him..But not if he's not happy.

"Just tell me what's wrong,All else im gonna cry"
"Lisa...It's just...It's not that im not happy..I really am...Im do happy I finally have you once again...I just feel like ill still always be the guy everyone hates"Jungkook
"Jungkook not everyone hates you"

"Yeah obviously you guys don't hate me...But everyone who knows me...My dad...My m-mom...I treated her so badly..."Jungkook
"Do you know what Made me come to you?Do you know how I found out more about you?Your mom,Yesterday I went to your mom to talk about you,I told her what happened"

"She probably hates me even more for hurting you"Jungkook
"No!She's your mother Jungkook!She knows!She knows it's not your fault!Its your fathers!Stop blaming yourself!Please...If it wasn't for your father treating you like that this wouldn't of happened, She still loves you Jungkook...Maybe you should just visit her and she will be happy to see you,She will also be happy to see us together once again"

I then felt his grip on me tighten.

"Who cares if people dont like you?That's their lost,Because they aren't gonna get you anywhere in life,Can we just live happy together?As a family?"
"I dont ever wanna lose you again"Jungkook

I smiled in the hug.

"You wont"

"Hey!Are you guys gonna makeout there all day or eat!?"Jisoo yelled
"Yah we aren't making out!"
"Then come!"Jisoo.

For the rest of the day we all just had fun,ate,and talked more,It had been so long and felt amazing....

After they left me and Jungkook once again got comfortable in the bed..

"You said you want to live happy together as a family right?"Jungkook
"Then....Should we...."Jungkook said smirking....

Oh no...

Oh no

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