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Eunwoo Pov:

I was stuck in some weird room and I couldn't see anything.Im also too afraid to move because im scared I trip over some dead body.I dont know..This place just seems weird

Suddenly I heard voices from outside

"Release the gas"

I then heard something that sounded like gas pipes breaking....

"Why me?..."

1 hour later

Lisa Pov:

"Oh my god,I can't believe we waited for like an hour for Eunwoo just to play a game of truth or dare,Im out!"
"Guys i think we should look for him"Mingyu
"I swear if he abandoned us-"Minnie

We then all went separate ways to try and find him.

Back To Eunwoo Pov:

I woke up and realized I was strapped onto a chair- The heck?

"Um..Excuse me!?To whoever is doing this I just wanna say that I don't think I did anything wrong!Im just a dance choreographer and im tryna relax here!So would you mind letting me go!?"

Suddenly the door opened revealing...

"Mr-!I should've known!First day I met you you gave me weird vibes!Hold on-Is this about Lisa!?"

I saw him get irritated as he closed the door and switched the lights on.

"Well I just wanna let you know an ubdate about her,She's kinda whipped for me and well,Let's just say she's looong over you-"
"Oh my God do you ever shut up?"Jungkook

"You know...You're quite immature for a Ceo of a big entertainment"
"Well duh,Im younger than you at the end,Anyways,this isn't what im here for"Jungkook

"I know what you're here for,Lisa,Look,I dont know much about you two,But it seems like you broke her,I don't thinks she's interested-" I was cut off when he took a knife out of his pocket

"Woah woah look here man,We don't need to be all violent here damn,Let's  talk like real men,I just don't want her to get hurt you know?Again...By...You"

Suddenly he walked towards me and placed the knife by my neck I-

"Look if you don't shut the fuck up this won't go down clean,You don't know Lisa like I do,Ive known her since we were teens,She's changed yes,But she's faking it,At the end she's still not over me"Jungkook
"And how would you know that?"

He then nodded his head towards my right.

There it was,Pictures of her on the wall...Of her in her kitchen,of her coming out of her house,Of her entering the company, Of her dancing,of her in the airport of her- Well...Let's just say its a lot....

"Not to mention this"
He then randomly raised his hand which was holding a bag

"Wait isn't that Lisa's?"
"And guess what's inside of it?"Jungkook

He then reached into the bag and took out a ring....

"This,This is the ring I proposed to her with, her wedding ring,Seems like she kept it all along hey?"Jungkook
"Well now you know...She left me,I had no idea where she went at the time and what happened, but you know what?I found her,Ill always find her,There's no escape, So im warning you now..If you don't cut it off with her,Ill be cutting off your head"Jungkook

"Well...I don't wanna die...And im seriously not into this shit...."
But I don't want this...I have to be a man..Even if I do maybe have a crush on her..Even if I didn't, She's still my friend..And I care about her..Who knows what this creepo might do to her again...

"So?Made up your mind?"Jungkook

Why me...

Why me

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