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(Okay so most people said Eunwoo)Our visual god

Lisa Pov:

"Oh,Jinwook this is Eunwoo he will be helping you learn the dance as well"
"Okay,Nice to meet you Hyung"Jinwook
"So shall we get started?"Yoo mi

"Should we wait for the Ceo?"
"Im sure it's better if we don't, Yoo mi already looks so nervous "Eunwoo
"Oh right haha,Okay guys so me and Eunwoo is going to show you the dance and then we can help you learn it"

"You ready?"Eunwoo said holding out his hand
"Let's get it"

And So we began to dance.

After The dance

"Waah!Guys that was amazing I can't wait to try it!"Jinwook
"Okay then let's get to work"

After Some time of practicing me and Eunwoo showed them the dance again and they got quite the hang of it.Luckily the dance isn't that hard since it's a poppy song but it's really fun to do and you interact with your partner a lot.

"Guys...I know its only been 1 hour but can we PLEEASEEE get a lunch break"Jinwook
"Okay sure "Eunwoo

We had snacks at both sides of the room. The boys went to the left side and me and Yoo mi the right.

"So...You know ..I couldn't help but notice..
You and Eunwoo hey?"Yoo mi
"Im sorry what?"
"You guys seem really close..And smileyy"She said wiggling her eyebrows
"Psh,we just work together "

"Well,I think he has a crush on you"Yoomi
"Pshh..Whaaat?Noo,neverr- oh god!"
I said due to knocking down the chips

I quickly bent down to pick them up .

"Let me help you with that"
"Okay Thanks- EUNWOO!!"
"Ill leave you two alone okay?Okay"Yoomi

"You okay?"Eunwoo
"Yes,im fine,Yoomi just said some crazy things"
"Well..She is young..That's what young people do"Eunwoo
"Yeah haha..."

Suddenly we heard someone clear their throat so we quickly got up and tried to hide the chips.We stood close to each other so no one could see.

"Um Okay,The Ceo is here to meet you guys"Mr Min
"You can come in"He said turning to somewhere.

Me and Eunwoo were still awkward due to what we were doing.

"Annyeonghasa- Lisa!"

Well...Its been a while...


Im loving how Jungkook's 97liner friends are all his love rivals😌😳😂

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