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Lisa Pov:

"What is it?"Jisoo
"I just realized its 9pm!I have to be at home already!"
"Relax,didn't you say Jungkook only comes back at like 3?He wont figure out,let me just drop you off"Jisoo
"Okay, you're right"

We got in the car and They drove me back home.And luckily Jungkook's car wasn't here....First time I said that...

"Okay,You guys can go-"
Welp they're already gone...Must've been in a hurry,They made Pizza and Probably dont want theur house burnt down lol.

The Front yard is quite large so it takes a while to get to the front door so I was running to get there but at the same time looking for my keys I tripped

"Ahh My leg!" Unfortunately for me I was wearing a nice dress but my legs were showing causing it to scrape on the hard floor.

But suddenly I heard something....

A car door close....

Im doomed...

I heard footsteps coming towards me...

"You went out?"I heard his plain voice say.
"out?Whaaaaat?No of course not I was just-"
"What you're wearing says otherwise."He then stood infront of me as I struggled to get up.
"Look,I just went-"
"Didn't I tell you not to go anywhere without my permission?"Jungkook
"Jungkook Can you help me up?"
"Don't change the subject "Jungkook

Aish Could he not be so cold right now?

I then finally got up

"Jungkook I just went- Aah!!!"

I was cut off when He pushed me back down making me land on the floor along with everything in my hand.

I shut my eyes clowed due to the sudden pain of falling hard onto my buttocks.

"Did You go on a date with some guy!?Are you taking me for a joke!?"Jungkook
"Jungkook please I'd never do th-"

Once again I was cut off by something cold...

Water...He just threw me with water....What is happening?

Suddenly I heard the sound of heels coming towards us.

"Hi baby,Today was fun, Oh,Who is this?Oh wait!Dont tell me this useless pig is your wife?Haha..."I saw her kiss his cheek which broke my heart....

Jisoo was right.....H- He's- cheating on me....
How could I be so blind?
It was obvious, He didn't look exhausted for working hard,but because he was making out with another girl...All this time...I was trying to be a perfect wife for him but....It wasn't enough for his expectations...

My tears were already falling down like a waterfall.I looked like a mess...I felt like a mess...

I clenched my fist...

I used all my strength to get up and eventually managed to.I looked at the girl leaning on my husband...The one person I loved dearly...

I looked at him straight in the eye...

"I see now...Im not enough for you...Im not met up to your expectations...Sorry for being a burden in your life"

I turned around .

"Lisa wait"I heard him say
"No Jungkook...Ive waited my whole life,And this is what I get?Im done"

Jungkook Pov:

I was about to run after her but the bitch I was "using" pulled me back.

I was about to push her when something else happened....

I pushed her away and ran as fast as I could...

"Lisa wake up!Come on!"
I held her bloody body in my arms as the driver just drove off...


Tears were already coming out of my eyes as I stared at her.

She then opened her eyes...

"Let's divorce..."

Was the last thing she said

The end...

Lmao just joking


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