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Next Day:

Lisa Pov

I woke up early to make breakfast for him.He leaves early so I normally make it to go.I finished packing it up and placed it in his bag.He normally refuses to take it but I want him to eat and stay healthy.

I then noticed he was already awake.

"Ill be going now,remember,no going anywhere"Jungkook
"But you said I could go to Jisoo Unnie's house"
"And how are you gonna get there?"Jungkook
"Well...I thought maybe...You could drop me?"
"Im late for work "He then left.

I sighed.

Work really changes him...I still remember the first day of work...How excited he was to come home...


"I made some breakfast for us,Do you still have time to eat?"I asked placing the pancakes on the table.
"I always have time for you love"He placed a kiss on my forehead and we both sat down and ate.

After eating

"Well I should be going now.."Jungkook
"Have a good day!Fighting!"I said with two thumbs up.

"Hmm im gonna miss you,See you soon okay?"He said hugging me tight.
"Yes,We can eat dinner together"I said

He then walked towards the door but stopped.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

He then ran towards me and gave me another tight hug.

"Its gonna be a long day,Im seriously gonna miss you"Jungkook.

End Of Flashback

I wonder what happened to him...Are they treating him badly?Well- He is the Ceo....Maybe its just stressful, I couldnt imagine being the Ceo of a big much pressure.

??? Pov:

I stepped into his office and smirked.

"I wore this just for you Oppa"
I lifted my dress up a but revealing my bare leg.
"Come here"He said.

I went over to his desk and was about to sit on it when i saw something.A lunchbox with a note saying...'Have a good day at work!Make sure to eat okay?Love you so much!'

Pshh What crap is this?I pushed it across the table causing it to fall in the trash bin.

Lisa Pov:

"Thanks for picking me up guys,Im not allowed to use taxis so this is better"

Jin and Jisoo picked me up with their car.

"Of course,Its been a while since we hanged out,I cant miss this chance,Also Chaeyoung and Jimin are also there,Taehyung and Jennie are busy with their new house so they couldn't make it."Jisoo
"Oh okay"

After awhile we reached the house and we talked a bit.

"So Lisa how's your relationship with Jungkook doing?"Chaeyoung
"Just good?"Jisoo
"What else should I say?"
"Well I mean...Have you two been going on your normal dates like old times,anything special?"Chaeyoung
"Unfortunately we cannot,Jungkook is working very hard right now,we dont have time for that,He normally leaves early for work and only comes back at like 3 in the morning"


"What's with the faces?"
"Uuh Lisa...Has Jungkook been so lovey with you as usual?"Jisoo
"What do you mean?"
"Well,When you guys started dating You couldn't get your hands off each other,We would constantly hear him saying how beautiful you are and he wouldn't even let another man look at you"Jisoo
"Well....Not really...Like I said,I barely see him and when I do he is too tired to talk,I said he is working very hard."
"Oh fuck work Lisa"Jisoo
"Sorry,Its just Lisa,This love is blinding you,dont you see what's going on here?"Jisoo

"He's cheating on you"Jisoo
"Well I mean you dont know for sure"Chaeyoung
"Well Ive watched many movies and normally what the guy calls 'work' is just making out with some slut at-"Jisoo
"Unnie,those are movies,Jungkook would never do that to me "
"You know,If I didn't care for you like a baby,I would've slapped you"Jisoo

"Whatever Lets just stop talking about this,We came here to have a good hangout right?Lets have some fun"Chaeyoung.

Could he really be cheating on me?


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