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Lisa Pov:

"Lisa im sure you know not to address a Ceo like that"Mr min
"O-Oh sorry!Annyeonghasayo Lisa-Imnida,Nice to meet you Mr Jeon.."

"You okay lis?"I heard Euwnoo say by my left
"Yeah im fine.."

Jungkook then walked closer to us...Really close...

"Why are you standing so close to each other?"Jungkook
"Because we're partners!That's what we do!Stay close"Eunwoo wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Im guessing he did it to save us but seeing the look on Jungkook's face would say he just made it much worse.

"ANYWAYS!Its very nice to meet you Mr Jeon,Im Kim Yoo-Mi,the one collaborating-"Yoomi
"Yes Yes I know who you are"Jungkook

I see he still has that attitude...

"Lisa,help me kick this chips under the table"Eunwoo whispered
"What!?We need to clean it up"
"We can clean it later but we dont have time now"Eunwoo

We then both proceeded to kick the chips under the table and once we finished we quickly separated.

"Okay so how about you guys show us how far you are with the choreography?"Mr Min

"Okay, Let's do this!"Jinwook

Eunwoo then went to switch the music on and they began dancing.

While we watched I felt a sharp gaze on me making me feel really uncomfortable. As I expected, I turned my head to see Jungkook glaring at me.When he noticed I saw him he turned his gaze towards Eunwoo.

Oh crap...Come on.Im sure he's over it right?Its been months!I almost forgot the guy existed!Not gonna lie I was starting to Like Eun- Shut up Lisa no one cares.

After minutes of glaring and staring the music stopped And We heard Mr Min and Eunwoo clapping.

"Wow that was amazing!Especially for your first day,Mr Jeon,What do you think of it?"Mr Min

We all turned our heads towards Jungkook and he still had the same look on his face.I turned to see Yoo mi and she looked very nervous, she has a fear of Ceo's.

I then turned back to Jungkook.


Seriously?Good?All my hard work and 'good' is all he says?Psh who cares about his opinion?

"Well we'll try to do better boss!"Jinwook
"I have to ask...May I talk to the dance choreographer?"Jungkook

I was about to walk to him but he spoke before I could.

"The guy..."Jungkook


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Eunwoo and Jungkook then stepped outside and closed the door.

Jungkook pov:

"Mr Jeon..Do you have any questions about the dance should We change any-"
"What's your relationship with Lisa?"
"What is your relationship with Lisa?"
"Do you know her?"Eunwoo

He's starting to get on my nerves now...

"What's your relationship with her !?Answer me!"
"Ooohh...I see what's going on here...Well sorry to say this..But ..Im her boyfriend, Why?"Eunwoo

My hand then clenched...My anger was boiling...She really just got over me just like that huh?..

"Anyways,Since it's not about the dance I'll just get going.."Eunwoo

You'll be going alright....


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