Off To Go

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1 week Later.

"Did you bring any snacks?"Minnie
"Lisa!"Minnie said with her hand on my mouth due to me screaming on the plane.

"Sorry,Im just so excited, This is just what I need"
"Yass,We're gonna do so much fun things!I even heard there's a spa there"Minnie

"Anyways,I wanted to ask,How exactly did you thank Jungkook?"Minnie
"Simple,I just asked Yoomi to tell Jinwook to tell Jungkook"
"Well,im glad you're starting to move on"Minnie

"Starting?Ive already moved on Minnie "
"Oh stop pretending!Don't think I don't know you still keep your wedding ring In your bag!"Minnie

"Only because it's expensive And i don't wanna waste money"
"Well you could've given it back to Jungkook so he could give it to his new wife"Minnie


"It's mine!"
"Aaaah.....Sweet ol Lali...Can't move past a guy who treated her like trash"Minnie
"It's not that easy Minnie!Im serious when I say I don't Love him..It's just...Thinking about everything he's done..Good and bad..Makes my heart hurt..."

"Well you know what I think you need to do?Find another Man..Oh wait!There already is another man"Minnie
"Shut up he's right behind us!"I whisper yelled.

She then looked behind us.

"So boys,what are you doing?"Minnie


Minnie Somehow Grabbed The Box of chocolates Minyu was eating,yes,Eunwoo brought Mingyu.

"Welp There goes my second box of chocolates "Mingyu
"Really?Where did your first ones go?"

He squinted his eyes towards Eunwoo

"Oh haha!Altho I brought quite a lot of snacks Do you want some?"

Next Day:

"Omg Let's hurry guys I wanna get to the hotel!"Minnie
"Girl we still need to get our luggage"Mingyu
"Then lets go"

We ran to fetch  our luggage and once everything was set we took an uber and Drove to the hotel.


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