Hard Choice

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Lisa Pov:

I woke up due to the sound of my doorbell ringing.
I blinked trying to get my vision back.

"COMING!" I yelled.

Damn,Its 6am,who the hell is here?.

I then put on my slippers and gown as I made my way to open the door.

"Eunwoo?What are you doing here so early?"
"I wont be here for long?But can we talk?"Eunwoo
"Uuh...Okay?" I moved aside allowing him to come in.

"Let me just make myself some coffee,I just woke up,You want some?"
"Im fine thank you"Eunwoo
"If you say so.."

After i finished making my coffee I made my way to the couch sitting infront of Eunwoo.

"So what's up?"
"Well you remember when I was with Jungkook?"Eunwoo

Ill never escape his name😟

"Well you see..I felt like I needed to let you know what happened, So basically..The guy that was working there that i offered to help was actually working with him,He headlocked me into this dark room and I fell unconscious when they released some weird gas into there"Eunwoo

Yep,Sounds like something he would do..Atleast he didn't kill him I guess...

"Well,Basically when I woke up I was tied to a chair,But then Jungkook came out and threatened that if I dont stay away from you he'd kill me"Eunwoo

So that's why he came there...

"Eunwoo..Im sorry you had to go through that..Jungkook is really possessive and-"
"Wait im not done,So basically it turns out he's actually been stalking you...He knows that you still have your wedding ring"Eunwoo

Well shit...

"So...How come your not dead?"
"Welllllll,Basically I had this whole convo with him...Well I wouldn't call it a conversation...Just some guy to guy talk and I guess he changed his mind?"Eunwoo
"What?So fast?What did you say?"
"Aish,Ima just say exactly what I told Jungkook 'How would she feel knowing her Ex Husband,The one who betrayed her,broke her heart,is here,Stalking her,And threating her closest friends life,Because he doesn't know how to own up to his mistakes,Man up,And Atleast try to change for the better"Eunwoo

Damn,Where did he get those words from..

"So....What did he do after that?..."
I was curious...Everything Eunwoo told him,Is actually exactly what Jungkook needed to hear,I get Jungkook has some emotional problems that needs to be fixed..Maybe some professional help will work?I dont know anymore...

"He just left, but before he did,He said he doesn't deserve you...That you deserve someone who will treat you better than he did..."Euwnoo
"He really said that?"
"Yes...Why would I be lying?I literally like you"Eunwoo

"I just...What..."
"What is it?"Eunwoo
"It's not like him to do that..."
"Do what?Back off?Its really not that hard lis...Just let the guy know he hurt you in a deep way so he can realize his mistake or atleast try and be more mature about the situation- Holy fuck why do I sound so-"Eunwoo

Does he really feel bad?Does he really want me to live without him?This can't be real...

"Eunwoo you don't get it,Jungkook is REALLY possessive, he'd do anything but give up on me"
"Didn't he tell it to you in your face tho?What he told me is the same thing he told you"Eunwoo
"I know but..."


"Eunwoo,I need to do some things"
"Okay,I was gonna leave anyways,Be safe okay?"Eunwoo

After Eunwoo left I immediately called Taehyung.

"Tae its Lisa"
"Oh hey Lisa, is something wrong?"Taehyung
"No,I wanted to talk about Jungkook,When have you last seen him?"
"1 month ago"Taehyung
"Dont lie to me"

"Im not!"Taehyung
"Have you atleast talked to him!?Like on the phone?"
"No,No one has..."Taehyung.
"Oh...Okay then...Thanks for talking tae..I gtg" I ended the call

Suddenly Jungkook's mom's words had repeated in my mind...

"I know he's probably hurting inside"

Urgh Why must I be like this?
Why must I still care?
Why must I still worry?
Why must I still think?
Its all about him...I just can't forget about him...Im trying my hardest...But even my guts is telling me not to...my heart is telling me to care...My feelings are making me worry...Is he okay?
He hurt me..Broke me...But why Do I feel like I need to help him?

Don't you dare do anything to yourself Jungkook...Don't make me hate you more...
Do I even still hate you?Is this even hate?Or am I just dragging the word around like its nothing?Have you really changed?Do you really feel bad?

What the hell am i even saying?

I should talk to him


But im worried about him


I feel bad for him

I have serious issues...

This feeling is so weird...Its like my heart is telling my mind to forgive him...But I don't know why I feel like it's wrong to forgive him...Is it okay to forgive someone who's done that to you...But I mean...I have to admit...If he hadn't of had a bastard of a father maybe he wouldn't of done that?

Why do I wanna tell myself im being stupid ass fuck for not giving him a second chance...Yet I also feel like im a useless piece of shit who can't get over him...

You know what fuck it..Im gonna talk to him.

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