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Lisa Pov:

"Um..Jungkook...I-" I was aggressively cut off When Jungkook smashed his lips onto mine causing me to lay down.

Oh gosh...

Smut Warning💀⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️(skip if you're innocent)But dont skip completely

"Hey..What are you doing?"
"You said you wanted to live as a family right?So we're gonna make a family"Jungkook was busy kissing my neck.

"That wasn't what i m- Omg!"He started taking off my shirt by surprise.
"Wasn't what?What you meant?Too bad,I still wanna do this"Jungkook

My face was still in shock and I was heating up.
Im still a virgin...😳

I watched as he removed his shirt.I felt like I should close my eyes...But I couldn't...

He was then about to remove my bra when i spoke...

"Can we switch off the lights?"

"Huh?He looked at me with a confused face.
"Im ....shy..."
"Lisa we're married"Jungkook
"Still!I don't want you to see..."

I looked at him with a pleading face.
He just looked confused but eventually he got up and switched off the lights making us both unable to see anything.

I was about to sit up but suddenly I felt my legs get pulled up and my pants went flying...I heard him unbuckle his belt and I just layed there waiting for...Whatever...I didn't exactly know what he was doing But I just heard a lot of movements...

He then hovered over me and i could feel his hot breath brush against my face.

"Im gonna take them off okay?"Jungkook
"Take what off?"
"Your...Aish ill just take it off"Jungkook

He then lifted my butt and removed my underwear.

"Okay im gonna put it in hmm?"Jungkook

I don't know why but I was scared...Does it hurt a lot?Will it bleed?😳

I let out a quiet groan when I felt his tip by my core...
"You're really wet..."Jungkook
"Is that a good thing"

I heard him chuckle before he started kissing me.I responded quickly but was caught off guard when He entered completely.

I shifted a lot and quietly yelled..

"Relax baby,The pain will go away..."Jungkook
"It really hurts..."
"Just tell me when you've aggested okay?"Jungkook

I nodded and he kissed me again.

After awhile I didn't feel much pain anymore.

"You can...Start..moving"
He then started to thrust.
"Hmm you feel so good...Do you feel pleasure?Is it still painful?"Jungkook
"N-no it feels nice..."

I heard him softly chuckle.Why is he laughing?

"Why do you keep stuttering?You act like we haven't made skin contact before.
"This is just diff-ah oh..."

It started to feel really nice...My body was heating up and my walls were tightning...He then moved a but faster as we both let out quiet moans...

"I think im gonna-"
"You want a boy or girl"Jungkook
"Huh?-mmmmm!" I was cut off when I left this warm liquid fill up my insides...Right after I came too...

"Wah that was amazing"He said plopping himself next to me...
Why Am I exhausted?I didn't even do anything?

He then scooted closer to me as we both hugged each other before drifting to sleep.

-------------------------(smut is over here)

15 Years later  🙂

Lia's Pov:

Hi,Im Lia,And Im 14

Yes,I am their daughter

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Yes,I am their daughter...😁

Jeon Lia...

My parents are both 38 now...And im very lucky to be their daughter...
They have an amazing relationship and its really fun..And yes I am the only child..

Lisa Pov:

Me and Jungkook have luckily out grown our bad past and I can definitely say he has been an amazing husband...

He decided to open his own restaurant,But he doesn't work there, he has employees to work for him...

But luckily we get to spend lots of time with him..He has been very supportive with my pregnancy and is a great father to Lia.

I can definitely say he is NOT like his father at all.

The rest of the guys also have kids.

Jennie and Taehyung have a daughter who is a year older than Lia.Jin and Jisoo have a son 1 year younger than her and Jimin and Rosé have twins..One boy and One girl, 2 years younger than Lia.

But im really happy things turned out the way I wanted...
Just like I wished for on my birthday...

The end😔


Don't worry I have my new book already😂I don't know where I get these Ideas but this is the cover.

Don't worry I have my new book already😂I don't know where I get these Ideas but this is the cover

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Ill upload the introduction soon😘

Also thank you guys for the support!!!You're all amazing😢


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