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Lisa Pov:

After eating we had head over to the pools.I was busy sun tanning,Minnie was talking to some life gaurds and The boys were in the pool.

"Hello miss could I get you anything?"I looked at the guys face and he looked really familiar...

"Hey aren't you the same guy from the Hotel?"
"Oh!Um..I work in both"
"Okay well Could I get a iced strawberry lemonade?"
"Right away!"

He then left.

Damn..Don't they have many workers?Why does one person have to to multiple jobs?

"Lisa im back"Minnie
I sat up.

"Soo did you get his number"
"Funny thing,He is married.."Minnie
"WHAT!?HAHA NO WAY!He looks so young!"
"Aish I dont wanna talk about it,Lisa!If you see any hot guys im telling you to back off!You already have Eunwoo!"Minnie
"Girl!Me and Eunwoo are just friends,Besides,Why dont you go for Mingyu?"

"Not my my type, Sorry to break it to you Lisa,But The fact you chose that Jungkook  ,Just shows you have no taste"Minnie
"Minnie!Don't be rude!"
"Whaat?He cheated on you!Besides, Im just saying,Why not date Eunwoo?Its obvious that he likes you"Minnie
"You really think so?"
"I see the way he looks at you,Also,Damn he be lookin finneeee"Minnie

We both laughed.

Suddenly Minnie turned Quiet

"Uuh lisa,Behind you"Minnie whispered

I looked behind me slowly.

"Oh crap!Sorry,Thank you for the drink"
He smiled
"If you need anything else just call me"

"Um excuse me could I please get an iced water?"Minnie said but the guy just kept walking

"Tch,Yah seriously Lisa!Why do the boys only care about you?"Minnie
"Haha im sure you'll find your dream guy one day" I then took a sip of my drink.

??? POV:

"Sir,It seems like we should hurry up a bit,Turns out you have a love rival"


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