No Way

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Lisa Pov:

I made myself some ramen since I wasn't in the mood to make a whole big meal for dinner again.As I ate I just couldn't get those things out of my head.

The fact he lied to me,cheated on me,and took advantage of me...And the fact he isn't even gonna bother telling me the truth?Is that how he solves his problems?Maybe leaving him will show him how to man up and act mature.Because I wont let him think he's in control me.

Few minutes later

I took a shower and was busy drying my hair when I heard the front door open..I guess now it's time...

I heard his footsteps coming up to the room so I mentally prepared myself for this...I watched as the door opened.
I turned back to the mirror and continued drying my hair.

"Im back" I felt him wrap his arms around my waist.
"Didn't you say you're coming back at 5?"
"I missed you so I came earlier,You wanna do something?Have you eaten?"Jungkook
"I've already eaten,and before we do anything, we need to talk "

"About what?"Jungkook
"It's something important "

Jungkook pov:

She took my hands and led me to the bed.I stared at her with a confused face as she breathed in deeply.Why do I suddenly feel nervous?

"Look...I know we were only 'dating ' in the past and we loved each other...But I feel like I've been in a coma for days that I can remember things...But I cant get back my feelings..."Lisa

"What are you saying?"
"I don't think...I love you anymore..."Lisa

I was speechless..I wasn't sure of what to say...

"Look...It's just..I don't see the connection anymore...I think we should divorce..."Lisa
"Lisa are you serious right now?"
"Yes I am,I've thought about it a lot"Lisa
"Come on,it's only been one day since you've been released, can't we try to relive those memories and build our relationship?Do you seriously wanna just end it like that?"Tears were forming in my eyes.

"I don't know Jungkook..Let's just talk about it tomorrow, Im tired"Lisa
"But its only 4:12"
"Ive been busy doing stuff,im tired.."Lisa

She then got up and layed on the bed.

I couldn't process what's happening...Even if she doesn't remember what happened...She wants a divorce anyways...
I have to show her more love...I have to build our relationship and make it stronger...I don't want 'us' to end...


Omg 12 more days until sour candy is released

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