Leave me alone

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Lisa Pov:

Eunwoo then returned with a smile on his face while Jungkook looked mad as hell.

"Okay well I think you guys have practiced enough,We will continue tomorrow, Lisa,Eunwoo you guys can go home now"Mr Min said and Him,Yoo mi,Jinwoo and Jungkook left.

"Eunwoo you can leave,ill clean it up myself "
"Are you sure?"Eunwoo
"Yes,I was the one who knocked it down anyways"
"Okay,See you tomorrow then"Eunwoo

He then left and I grabbed a broom.

I can't believe He's back..I also can't believe he was a Ceo of a Music company...Well I guess this just shows how much he had hidden from me...

But I won't let this affect me.After the collab this will be over and I will be back to my normal life.

After I finished I packed away everything and went to my room.My room is basically just where I put all of my stuff.

I put my bottles in my bag and took off my practice shoes.

"Damn my feet hurt"

I took out my clothes and changed from my practice clothes to something more classy.

I took out my clothes and changed from my practice clothes to something more classy

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I then packed everything back into my bag but froze when I heard the door open .

"Well..Its been a while hey?"
"Why are you still here?"
"Just checking the company out,why?You work late?"Jungkook
"I was just about to leave"
I was about to exit the room but he closed the door before I could.

"We have to talk"Jungkook
"We really dont"lisa
"Really?So after all this time,you were here?"Jungkook
"Stop  asking me questions I just wanna leave so can you please move?"

"Yah I won't stop asking you questions until you tell me why"Jungkook
"Why what?I dont know what you're saying"
"Why you left..without telling me.."Jungkook
"You know exactly why don't play dumb..I told you,Im tired of you, im done,I won't let you treat me like crap for the rest of my life,That's why now move"

"But I said im sorry,I'd change, please im telling you I changed, I made a mistake-"Jungkook
"No Jungkook..You made a choice..Now live with that because I've moved on,And you should too.."

He then remained silently still so I took that as a chance to leave.But just before I left.

"I hope you find a nice woman who will treat you right and have a happy family, Don't make the same "mistake " twice...Bye Jungkook"

With that I left the building and went home


Sour candy I- Skeheidi2jwmox7fy3vekalcmrhuwhsnxnchrjwkmahxh

Im😋Sour🍋candy🍬so🤔sweet😊till😶I👁get👣a little👌angry😡im🙃sour🍋candy🍬yeah😀yeah😁yeah😃yeah😄yeah😅

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