Goodbye Forever

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Lisa Pov:

"Where's Jungkook?"
"He left..."Eunwoo
"What?Why would he leave without..."

I quickly ran towards the exit of the hotel and I spotted Jungkook getting into his car.

"Jungkook!"I called making him turn his head towards me.

I stood there waiting for him to ...Well..Do whatever...

He then slowly walked towards me and looked at me straight in the eyes...

"Lisa..."He said while holding my two hands..

I wanted to take my hands off him but..I couldn't...

"Im really sorry for what I did...I was a jerk and I truly regret it...I should've treated you with respect...Given you my attention and Love..But I didn't..Im really sorry...And...I know you'll never forget what I did...But..I just wanna say this...I hope you at least not hate me...I promise...Ill leave you alone if that's what you want..Because i know I don't deserve such a great woman like you..I took advantage of having you...And I shouldn't have..But now i have to live with regret because at the end of the day its my fault not yours...I just wanna say I...I hope you find someone who will treat you with all his love and respect..Something I should've done...I promise...Ill get out of your sight...Just please...Don't hate me..."Jungkook said..I noticed his eyes started to get teary.

But I didn't know what was happening...I was confused...Sad..But also nervous...I haven't seen this side of him in a long time..What in the world happened to him?...I just don't get it...If this was what he wanted to tell me why did he come all the way here?Or was really his first intentions?

"Lisa...I have to go now...Again...Im really sorry..Bye now...for good...I...I love you..." I let out a quiet gasp as he slowly removed his hand from mine...I watched as he got into his car...And drove off...

So...Im really never gonna see him again ?...
But this is what I wanted...But...Why do I feel....empty?...

"Lisa?!Lisa are you okay!?"Minnie ran towards me...
"Where's Jungkook?"Minnie
"He left...."
"Psh good "Minnie
"Im never gonna see him again.."
"Girl I swear- This is what you wanted!Isn't it?"Minnie
"Yeah...It i-is..."

Jungkook pov:

"So did it work?"Jaehyun
"Yeah lol,Last thing im doing is giving up on her,But I really meant what I said..." Except for Leaving her alone and wanting her to find another man,Lol never

"Dude you're obsessed..."Jaehyun
"Come on Jae,The reason why I asked you to help me is because Taehyung keeps telling me this!"
"Because its true!"Jaehyun
"I don't care...My life isn't worth anything if I don't have Lisa..Everyone has had this despision towards me since I was born"

"And you took advantage of the one girl who wanted you for who you are,and look where you are"Jaehyun
"Shut up and drive"



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