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Jungkook Pov:

I sat in my office bored as hell,normally my schedule would be packed but today I literally have nothing to do.

It's been 7 hours and Lisa hasn't messaged me yet,normally she would message me every 2 hours to see if I was okay but nothing.I dont understand why tho.If she lost her memory, How come it feels like she's changed?Like she doesn't give me the same attention anymore..?.

Lisa pov

"Look Unnie,im still not sure what im gonna do when I leave him,I need my own job and somewhere to stay,How am I gonna get a job if I can't even leave the house?"
Of course I told my friends about my plan.I was now talking to Jennie about it on the phone.

"Why dont you get a job online?"Jennie
"Normally businesses post online that they need employers "Jennie
"Good Idea "
"Tho Lisa,I don't want to scare you,but we've known each other for a long time,And Jungkook is EXTREMELY possessive..He won't let you go so easily"Jennie

"No matter what he says,it will not change my mind"
"Im not talking about him saying anything, but he will probably physically lock you up in that house and won't let you even see the outside"Jennie
"Yah,Dont be dramatic!"

"Well what if he does?"Jennie
"I won't tell him im leaving...First, Ill talk to him about how I lost some feelings,but I wont leave yet I will make him think he still has a chance,and then the next day,I will vanish,and just leave a note behind "

"Damn Lisa...That's really cold...
He deserves it...Altho,Have you really fallen out of love?"Jennie
"I dont wanna talk about it,Im trying to convince myself I dont love him"
"Okay then,Well I have to go,Taehyung is busy making cookies and im afraid he might burn the house down"Jennie


"Okay,thanks for the help,we'll talk later"
"Bye,Love chu"Jennie
"Love chu too"

Call ended.

This is an opportunity to make my life better,im doing this for myself, I won't play his games anymore.

All of a sudden my phone rang and I looked at the ID caller.

I should Change his name..

I picked it up.

"Woah,why do you sound so mad?Is everything alright at home?"Jungkook

It wont be 'home' anymore

"Yes everything's fine"
"I just called to check up on you,I miss you so much you know?"Jungkook
"Sorry Jungkook,I have to go,im busy with something "
"Wh-"I didn't let him finish and ended the call.

Its time to look for a new job and a new house..

Back To Jungkook Pov:

Strange..Why does she sound so mad?..
I think im gonna go home earlier..


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