Special Gift

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Next Week:

I was in a cab driving Home.Our vacation has just ended but luckily Mr Min said we can have a break for a whole month.He said since I've worked hard I deserve some relaxation.

I tried forgetting about the incident that happened with Jungkook but I still can't...I wish I could just forget all the bad memories and create new ones...But somehow I keep creating new bad ones...

But..Maybe...Now its REALLY over...Ill never see him again....

I shut my eyes closed and shaked my body.I keep getting this weird feeling and it somehow hurts...Physically...It feels like when you're scared or....Jealous?What am i jealous of?

I was cut off by the driver.
"Miss we're here"He said

I then looked out the window and saw my house

"Gomawoeyo"I said as I took out my luggage,I then gave him the money and waved goodbye.

I then walked over to my doorstep but noticed something on the floor....

"Waah!My favourite!"

A'Pieu chocolate milk and some chocolate chip cookies...
Who gave this?

Suddenly my phone began to rang.

"Oh its Jennie"

I answered it.

"Hi unnie"
"Hey Lisa,Are you at home?"Jennie
"Yes why?"
"Well uh,D-did you see the stuff...I left you?"Jennie
"You got this for me?"
"Y-yeah I did"Jennie
"Why are you stuttering?"
"Im just...Cold!Yeah,I took a shower and im standing outside"Jennie
"Yeah doesn't matter!Anyways me and Taehyung are coming to visit byee!"She ended the call.

The heck?

Jennie Pov:

"YAH BACK UP!Im done doing this and I feel terrible!"
"All I asked you to do is pretend you gave her the chocolates what's the big deal?"
"The big deal is that im lying to her!Just so you know!I still hate you Jeon Jungkook!"

"Love calm down-"Taehyung
"Don't love me!How about you get me some chocolates huh!?" I threw him with my tissue box as I got up to left.

"Aish..Pregnant woman...So grumpy..."Jungkook
"Just so you know Johncock..You're not the only person who has knives!" I gave him a glare.
"Lol she's not lying "Taehyung

(Idk how jennie always ends up being pregnant in these stories but it is what it is😪✌😂)


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