Old House

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Lisa pov:

I immediately grabbed my coat and car keys and hopped in my car.
Im going right now and today because these thoughts won't leave my mind and it's giving me a headache.

I drove fast towards his house,Im hoping he still lives there...

Im not sure on what im gonna say,or what im gonna do..But I'll try my best not to make this awkward...Im doing this not only so I can clear my mind..But because im worried...

I keep telling myself I don't love him anymore,I don't care..But I just can't keep lying to myself...I care a lot about him...Even tho he hurt me,Some part of it is not his fault,And also There's nothing I can do to just let go of my feelings.I have a problem..

But maybe it's not that bad...Maybe forgiving him is the right thing to do...
But im just worried...I still care about him...I don't want him to hurt..I feel bad that he did what he did because of his father...He's like a manipulated child who just needs some help...

I want to help him...

After awhile I finally arrived at the house...
Suddenly The day it all went down had replayed in my mind..Im standing in the road I almost died on,But also where I told him I wanted to divorce...

Im staring at the pathway where I fell..While staring up at that girl hugging him...I wonder where she is now...

I also remembered how I ran off while he yelled my name...What did he expect me to do?Watch that girl kiss him while im soaking wet on the ground?

But now that I think of it..I also feel bad...Jungkook thought what he was doing was right because that's what his father told him,But Since we all Know he's not like his father..Me leaving him is not what he expected, Aish...He sounds so vulnerable..Like he doesn't think of what he does...

It's like when someone lies to you as a child...For example when they say you should cheat on a test,You're so vulnerable that you's just believe something that someone told you but when you do it and you have to suffer the consequences,You only then realize it's wrong...But in that case it was his father who manipulated him...

What kind of father does that?
What did he want for Jungkook?Does he realize raising your son like that will get him nowhere in life?It will make him turn out to be lonely, Hated,And.....

Finally The reality hit me...
That's what Jungkook must feel now...

I have no choice but to forgive him...I wish I could've asked more about his parents...I wish he was more open to me...I would've understood the situation better then,Taehyung said that he really adored me,And his mom said I changed him?
Makes me think that maybe if I could've spoken to him he would've escaped from his fathers words....

I sighed....

I only realized that I've been standing in front of the house for long now...

I just miss the times everything was okay...Well...Atleast for me...I....

I miss him....

Suddenly I realized the door opened bit it wasn't Jungkook who came out..it was an old woman..

She then walked over to me and I bowed.

"Im sorry to Disturb your morning mam,I just wanted to ask,Do you know who Jeon Jungkook is?"
"Jeon Jungkook?Oh yes!That nice you man!Yes,He was the handsome guy who offered me this house"She said smiling.

"Yes,You see,Me and My husband have been living in a very small house all Our lives,So one day while we were coming out our house,The nice young man came up to me and asked me If We  were interested in a bigger house,Of course we accepted the offer,I mean,it was free,He just gave it up,funny huh?Aah so sweet..."

Well damn...

"So how come you're looking for him?Are you his girlfriend?" My eyes widened when I heard her.
"Uh N-no im not-"
"Well in that case im not giving this house up!"She then hurriedly walked back inside.

What the heck?Does she think im trying to sell her house?Aish...

Now where could he be?

??? Pov:
"Sir,She is currently in front of your old house,I think she is looking for you"
"I dont know..."
"Okay,Call Taehyung and...fuck what must I do..."Jungkook

"Sir Im not the one to know much, But I think you should get Taehyung to take her over to your house..."
"Okay,Thanks,You guys just make sure she's safe, don't let anyone touch her"Jungkook

Few mins later

Taehyung Pov:

"Great..Now Lisa's probably gonna slap me for lying to her..."
"Just drive omg!She's alone outside!"Jennie
"Jungkook has people making sure she's safe!Relax woman!"
"Well still hurry up before she leaves!"Jennie

We then arrived at the house and luckily Lisa was still there.Jennie ran out of the car and hugged her.

"Thank god you're okay"Jennie
"What are you guys doing here?"Lisa
"Care to explain?"Jennie said with a smirk..

"Look Lisa,don't get mad...But I know where Jungkook is"
"YOU LIED TO ME!?"Lisa then walked over to me fast and like I expected..She slapped me...

"Hah!"Jennie screached.

"Hey!It's not my fault!Jungkook told me not to tell you!"
"Why would he do that!?"Lisa
"Can i take you there so he can explain it by himself!?"
"Wait- How did you guys know I was here?"Lisa.

"LoL bye"Jennie said before running back into the car.
"YAH YAH YAH!Calm down!I wouldn't call it exactly stalking,We just have some people to make sure you're safe"Taehyung
"That's literally stalking"
"Well they aren't watching you the whole time"Taehyung
"Where are they!?"

"They're gone,Jungkook called them off,He has just been waiting for you to make up your mind"

Lisa Pov:

"What do you mean make up my mind?"
"Lisa,You don't actually think Jungkook would let you go so easily right?Like I said,The guy is crazy,The only person who can make him act normal is you,If he doesn't have you he acts complete psycho"Taehyung

I knew it!I called it!

"Take me to him!"


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