4 months later Moving on

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Lisa Pov:

"Well Lisa I have to say I think that you are really fit and I must say you are really talented, Have you taken dance before?"The Ceo asked
"Yes,Back In Thailand I took dance with my old friends"
"Well I think you're perfect at the job,altho I must ask,How long does it take you to choreograph a dance?"Ceo

"About 2-3 hours"
"Well- That really impressive, but anyways our idol Kim Yoo-mi is doing a collab with another male idol from another company and we are gonna need a Choreography for the song.I was wondering if you could work with them?"Ceo
"Hmm I dont know...Isn't a bit too early for me?"

"Actually no,The collab is only coming out in 5 months since there is still a lot to prepare so we'll probably start with the dance 2 weeks before and then start the music video shooting"Ceo
"Oh,then that's perfect, Altho Could I meet Yoo-Mi?"
"Yes of course, right now she is busy in the recording studio"Ceo
"Okay thank you"

Meanwhile Taennie

Jennie pov:

"I dont get why we're even worrying,if he kills someone it's not our business, He'll come to his senses sooner or later"
"Jennie he could go to jail"Taehyung
"Good for him,he deserves it"
"Meh true.."Taehyung

4 months later 💀

Lisa Pov:

Well my life is going great.Im doing great in my new job and Ive met lots of celebrities. I also got my own house.I haven't visited the girls in a while since im so busy but they do talk to me on the phone.

Speaking of friends I also made lots of friends in the company and everyone is friendly. It was always my dream to become a dancer,and now that im a dance choreographer for Famous idols is unbelievable.

Today is also the day we're gonna start rehearsing for the dance. Ive already choreographed it and it was really fun. I haven't met the male idol yet tho.Today I will meet him.
I also have my own car so I can go to so much places and enjoy myself.

I was busy driving to the company when The Ceo called.

"Hello Lisa,are you on your way?"Ceo
"Yes,im almost there"
"Okay well I just got called from Jong Jinwook's(the male idol)  Ceo and they are also on their way.

Crap I better hurry up.

"Okay,ill hurry don't worry"
"Of course,You never disappoint"Ceo

The call then ended and I picked up my paste.

8 mins later

I arrived at the company and rushed to the practice room.

"Aah Unnie you're here!"Yoo-mi
"Are they here yet?"
"No,altho im so nervous, I heard the CEO is very strict,What if he thinks im not good enough?"Yoo mi
"Don't worry,Im sure he's not that bad"

"Annyeonghasayo "We heard from behind us and we turned our heads

"Oh You must be Jinwook,Where's your boss?"
"He is busy talking to Mr Min(The Ceo)
"Okay well Let's get-"
"Heyoo Peoples"Someone interrupted us.


Okay guys I have a question.
Which Male Idol do you want to make Jungkook Jealous?

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