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Lisa pov:

Jennie and Taehyung left an hour ago.I sat on my couch just staring at the ring...Looking at this just reminds me of the day he proposed to me...I was so happy...We were so happy...Why did you have to be like your father Jungkook?Why did you let him take control of you?I was there for you...If only you told me...
Were you just pretending your happiness?Were you hurting inside?

Suddenly I thought of something...

Meanwhile Taehyung Pov:

I was busy talking to Jungkook on the phone.

"So?How is she?Is she okay?"Jungkook asked
"Yes she's fine,Oh um..By the way...I told her about your parents.."
"Its the only way Jungkook,Look...Do you want to be like your father?"
"No..I told you Hyung..I regret it..I was so stressed with work and I dont even know what was going on with my mind..I think I need therapy..."Jungkook

"Can't argue with that,but anyways,She's just confused,Lisa really doesn't know how she feels..Its obvious...Are you sure silently taking care of her will help her solve her questions?"
"No matter what I do she tries to get away from me"Jungkook

"But you know thats not what she wants"
"Yeah but she's good at faking her feelings..."Jungkook
"Well there's another thing in common"
"Hey i never faked my feelings with lisa!I really love her and I always have!"Jungkook
"Im not talking about your feelings with her"

"Look...I just didn't wanna cause a stir..That's why I pretended everything was okay..I thought even though Almost everyone I know hates me...My dad has disappeared and my mom is....disappointed in me...I thought its okay because I have Lisa...But I guess I was wrong...I shouldn't of taken advantage of the only thing making me feel happy..."Jungkook
"Damn what are me and the rest of the boys then?Socks?"

I heard him laugh
"You know what I mean"Jungkook
"Yeah yeah whatever you regret it blah blah blah,But you still have to figure out a way to make it easier for her to realize how she feels"
"Hyung...I know what she feels already...Its been months and she still hasn't made up her mind,She never will,Because her feelings has already,But her mind refuses"Jungkook

"Okay then...But anyways, how are you now?"
"Bored...You're gonna think im really dumb for this but I resigned "Jungkook
"You're literally only 23"
"I know,but if Me and Lisa do get back together,I want to spend as much time as I can with her"Jungkook

"Then how will you earn money"
"Im rich"Jungkook
"Psh,You'll still need a new job someday "
"Im still thinking about it..."Jungkook
"By the way Where's Jae?"
"He went home,Im alone at my house"Jungkook

"I'd say I feel bad for you,but That's kinda what I want right now."
"Who else?"

2 hours later

Lisa pov:

"Lisa!?Is this really you?!"
"Yes it is mom" I gave Jungkook's mother a big hug.Yes I still call her mom...Even if we are divorced..She's like my second mother.

"Wah,I didn't think you'd visit,Where's Jungkook?"Jk mom
"He didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?"Jk mom

Well of course he didn't...

"Never mind...Can I come inside?"
"Yes yes of course come in"Jk mom.

Once I got inside I sat on the ouch.

"Lisa would you like some tea?"Jk mom
"Oh yes please"

After awhile she came back with the tea and she sat across the couch.

"So Lisa dear,How come you came here alone?"Jk mom
"Mom..There's something I need to tell you...Me and Jungkook ...We arent together anymore "
"What!?What happened!?"Jk mom
"Mom..Jungkook..He cheated on me..He used me..."
"Dear lord that's horrible!"Jk mom said as she got up and sat next to me hugging me.

"Aish,I should've known this would happen, That bastard of a father!I tried my best to take him away Lisa...But he wouldn't let me..."Jk mom
"Its okay Mom..I understand...Ì mean he is your sons father...They can easily just take control of your life...But I know you tried your best"

"But I came here to ask..well....I wanted to know more about How Da-Mr Jeon treated you.."
"Oh its a whole drama.."

"You see,When Jungkook was born, We were struggling a bit with money,so He had some real Anger issues..He would go to clubs, make out with woman and drink, then he would come home drunk,If the house isn't cleaned,he hits me,If the food isnt done,he hits me,He would just get mad at me for no reason"Jk mom

Wow...And I thought Jungkook was bad...

"I tried my best to keep in my feelings,I wanted to keep Jungkook safe and not let him see our fights...But one day...When he was 5,He came out his room during one of our fights...I still remembered those words he said...'Eomma?Why is Appa hitting you?' "I saw she started to cry so I comforted her.

"That day I tried to calm myself down,Trying to make him forget about what happened, Telling him we're just playing and it worked he believed it...But that's when things turned out even worse,His dad would sometimes try and take him away from me,Telling him bad things about me,Like me sleeping with other men,Saying He should not listen to me,He told him that's how woman are,He told him to do what he does...He was only five.."Jk mom

What the hell!?That's disgusting!

"Ever since then,He grew older and started disrespecting me..He would say cuss words,Wouldn't do his homework,he would just disobey me,He would even hit me sometimes...But of course I never blamed him...I will always love my son...I just....Im so mad at myself for not trying harder...For letting His dad take control of him..Now..Now he did this to you Lisa..Im so so sorry" She was crying.I quickly hugged her.

"Mom don't cry,its not your fault...You were in an abusive relationship, that must be scary...I cannot blame you...I know you tried your best"
"Lisa..Please don't hate Jungkook...I know deep down he's hurting inside...there's more of the story"
I then handed her a tissue and she calmed down a bit before continuing.

"You see,Sometimes when his dad would hit me,he would come to me in the night and ask if im okay,I know he still cares..He's just afriad of his dad...One time Jungkook was busy making me coffee when suddenly his dad came and asked him what he's doing,he then said he shouldn't have to do things for woman who are unloyal...I dont even know what I did to make him hate me so much...I guess that's just how he is...Ugh I hate him..Can't believe I got married to such a guy.."Jk Mom

"But Mom,How come when i met Jungkook he wasn't so cruel?"
"You know Lisa the time you and Jungkook met was when me and his dad were finally divorced...I was so happy we were finally free,I could escape that past,but I guess Jungkook couldn't..But one thing that changed is that he would always come to me and talk about you,He would go on and on about how kind you are, He would also never stop talking about your eyes..He loved you Lisa..And im sure he still does.."jk mom

Why is all of this just changing my opinions on everything aish..What must I do...


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