NOT Dating

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Next day:

Lisa Pov:

As I ate my breakfast I suddenly got a call from Mr Min

"Hello Lisa,as you know it's almost time to release the song right?"Mr Min
"Well I just got a call from Mr Jeon that he liked the dance a lot and he is ready to start recording "Mr Min
"Oh Okay!Ill be right there!"

Well that's strange...I'd thought he wouldn't like it...

36 mins later
I arrived at the building and saw everyone already in the meeting room.

"Sorry am I late?"
"No,you're just in time actually, well,Jinwook got here quite early to practice and Eunwoo helped them quite a lot and we think they are ready to start the music video shooting "Mr Min
"Wow already?Do you have everything set up already?"
"Yes"Mr Min.

Wow...I guess this is going better than expected, sooner or later this will be done and ill never have to see him again...

Everyone then set off to eat...Did they not have breakfast?Now I feel lazy for not helping..

"So how did It go yesterday?"eunwoo
"WHAT!?Who told you!?Did you see anything!?"
"Um..Im talking about the chips...Why?Is there something else-"Eunwoo
"Of course not!Haha I was just" I hesitated when I saw Jungkook behind him sending him another one of those death glares.

I then pulled Eunwoo to the side.

"Um Eunwoo you remember when Mr Jeon took you out to talk about the dance?"
"Yeah why?"Eunwoo
"What did he really ask?"

"Tch just answer me!"
"First answer me"Eunwoo
"On what?"
"Do you and mr Jeon have a past together?"Eunwoo
"Whaat?No haha- What do you know!?"

"Woah chillax,well,he asked me stuff like what is our relationship and stuff like that"Eunwoo
"And what did you say?"
"Well...I kinda said im your boyfriend "Eunwoo

I choked apon hearing him.

"Lol what's the big deal?And you still didn't answer my question"Eunwoo
"Eunwoo...You just put yourself in a life death situation..."
"So he's a crazy ex?"Eunwoo
"More than that..."
"Jeezez is he some serial ki-"Eunwoo
"Lisa,Eunwoo,aren't you two gonna eat?"Mr Min

"Um,Sorry I have to go to the bathroom" I then ran off to the bathroom making sure no one was following me..

Aish this is bad...Really bad...Ìf Jungkook believes Eunwoo is my boyfriend who knows what hell mess is gonna occur..I can't let that happen..Not to Eunwoo...

Aish maybe im just overreacting...Im sure he has changed...Ugh im supposed to be forgetting about that jerk!It's like I just cant get away from him...I really put myself in a difficult situation the day I started catching feelings for him...I just don't get why he would do all this...If he is so obsessed why did he cheat!?Urgh why am I repeating this again!?That question has haunted me these past few months and as soon as I forget it..It comes back...

I should tell Eunwoo...

I then ran back and Luckily Eunwoo was still breathing.

"Hey can we talk?"
"Yeah sure what's up?"Eunwoo
"No I mean..Outside of work..."
"Oh you mean a date?"Eunwoo
"WHAT!?Aish stop joking im serious"
"So am I"Eunwoo
"You are?..."

Oh my god focus Lisa

"Look It's about Jungkook-Uh I mean Mr Jeon"
"Oh..About him..Okay then,sure,when?"Eunwoo
"Tonight, actually right after the shooting"

As Much as I think I should just forget it,that he has moved on,that everything will just pass,I don't want to take any chances..Im not sure how to protect Eunwoo..But i atleast need to make sure he's aware of the fact Jungkook could literally kill-
Well yeah...

Now that I think of it my stupid ass could just tell him we're not dating...

Altho why did Eunwoo tell him we are dating?


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