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Jungkook pov:

I sat right outside the room while I cried my eyes out.I dont know what has gotten into me.This is all my fault,My Lisa is gone because of me...Im a complete asshole for doing this to her.I dont know how I let my stress take over me and make me lose my mind and dignity. I can't lose her,Losing her is the worst thing that could happen to me.

Suddenly the doctor came out and I jumped up.

"How is she !?Is she okay!?"
"Well...She's lost a lot of blood and is suffering a severe temporary head injury but she is breathing."Doctor
"Any broken bones?"
"Luckily No actually, She must have a really strong body,Altho we're gonna have to perform a surgery,Are you her husband?"Doctor


"Yes,im her husband "
"Well just in case,You might want to hold onto this"He gave me the ring.
"Dont worry sir,your wife will be okay"Doctor

He then went back to the room and I sat back down staring down at the ring..She didn't take it off...I seriously dont deserve her....

12 Hours later

I spent most my time crying,I just couldn't sleep.Im not leaving until I know she is okay.The door then opened.

"How did it go?Is she gonna be okay?"
"Yes,The surgery went perfect"Doctor
"Well um...Could I see her?"
"Yes,atlho she's still asleep "Doctor

We then went in and there I saw her.Her beautiful skin was pale and her beautiful doll like face.I sat beside her and held her cold hand.

"Im so sorry Love,this is all my fault"

Suddenly her eyes opened.

"You're awake!Aah thank god"
"W-who are you?..."Lisa
"What do you mean?Im your husband"
"J....Jungkook?We got married?"Lisa

"Aah yes,I forgot to mention,one of the side affects of the surgery is memory loss,so she doesn't remember anything from the past 2 years."Doctor

So she doesn't remember what happened?Not even our marriage?....Maybe this is my chance to make it up to her.Luckily she remembers me from highschool so she does remember we dated.

Suddenly she lifted her hand and looked at it.

"If we're married Where's my ring?"Lisa
"Ah yes" I quickly got it from my shirt pocket and put it on her finger.

"When can we go home?"

Next Day

We left the hospital and drove home.I still felt horrible, She looks so innocent, not knowing and remembering anything, and im just taking advantage of that...But I just wanna forget what happened and start new.

"Jungkook im tired "Lisa
"Okay let's go to the bed"

We went to our room and she snuggled in my arms again.Just like old times...

Lisa Pov:

"I love you Lisa...Only you.."

If only you said that when I almost died...

The hospital

"Sir where is my ring?"
"I gave it to your husband right before the surgery"Doctor
"My husband?"
"Yes,The guy outside claimed he was your husband "Doctor

I chuckled

After all that...You claim to be my husband?
I suddenly got an idea.

"Sir,Can you do me a favor?"
"Sure what is it?"Doctor
"Im gonna pretend im sleeping,When I wake up im gonna pretend I lost my memory, I need you to tell him it's one of the side affects "
"Uh,Okay,altho I dont understand why you would wanna do this"Doctor

"Doctor,My husband,Completely wasted me,This is my plan for revenge"

Im gonna make him fall deeper for me, then tell him I've fallen out of love.
You know Jungkook...Im the last person to play with...


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