Like father Like son

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Lisa Pov:

"Coming!" I yelled as I heard Jennie yelling my name from outside.
I then ran to the door and opened it.

"Aah I missed you!"Jennie said opening her arms and we had a hug.
I bowed to Taehyung.

We then all took a seat on the couches.

"Sooo,How was the vacation?Did you and Minnie get that spa day you wanted?"Jennie
"Yeah it was the best,You and Taehyung should go there someday."
"Yeah um im not traveling with Jennie when she's pregnant, its scary"Taehyung

"Aah my ears,Yah Lisa why do you have to be so loud"Jennie
"Bitch please,As if yall don't sound like you're being murdered when you argue"
"He's just ..."She then looked at Taehyung as he gave her an innocent face.
I tried holding in my laugh.

"Hey,Im still curious,since when were you pregnant "
"Crazy story,I only found out the day you left "Jennie
"Well Congratulations to you both, Make sure you dont fight in front of the baby okay?"
"Of course not,We only fight when Taehyung doesnt do what I want "Jennie

Can I blame the guy?...

"Whateves,Lisa do you have anything to eat?"Taehyung
"Well I haven't made anything since I just got home but I have some chips in the pantry"

Taehyung then got up and went into the kitchen.

"Lisa,I was thinking,I want to organize some thing where we all meet up,Jin,Jisoo,Chaeyoung,Jimin...Ju- Never mind "Jennie
"Hey Jennie  its okay,I get it,you just miss the old days where we would just hang out and nothing was wrong"

"Aish..I don't know if ill ever forgive him for what he did to you"Jennie
"And I still dont get why he did it..."
"Maybe he was just stressed you know,I mean you know I hate jungkook right now but he was going through a lot..."Jennie
"Actually I think I may know why he did it"Taehyung said as he plopped onto the couch eating his chips.

"Look,Ive known Jungkook since pre school, He would always come to school sad and he would try avoiding everyone,You know..He's parents were fighting...I mean I guess as a child to experience your parents doing that is horrifying,not only Is it sad and scary, but You can tell his dad was trying to get Jungkook on his side"Taehyung
"Wait,What did his dad do?"Jennie
"Just what he did to Lisa,That's how he treated Jungkook's mom..."Taehyung said.

I was shocked to hear all this..How come he never told me?I just thought his parents divorced because things weren't working out...

"So slowly Jungkook would start to change,Even when he was just 13,He would get into fights and just become straight out rude,But Ive noticed ever since you guys met,Jungkook has changed...He became really sweet,Everyone was shocked on how much he adored you Lisa,You guys met when you were both 16,Normally people would try to avoid him,they kinda hated the boy,But I guess you really gave him a chance,I mean you didn't know what he was like,but I guess he really liked you..."Taehyung

How come I never knew most of this?I feel terrible...Even tho he hurt me...I can't believe he tried changing..for me...

"But obviously as men get older,even tho im a man myself,They really start turning into their fathers,I guess he just struggled to let go of that past,But I think one thing was different,As his father was heartless,Jungkook was just crazy,Really crazy,He thinks he should be like his father but at the same time he loves you...Which is how he turned obsessed..."Taehyung

Is it normal to hate your father in law?

"Poor guy, he was influenced by his father since he was a kid...Wait im supposed to hate him..."Jennie
"But that's still not an excuse to what he did.."
"Yes I agree,But atleast you know why he did it"Taehyung

Suddenly I remembered what happened at the holiday resort so I told them.

"I just dont get it, Why did he suddenly just..Give up...If he's so obsessed why did he say I should find another man to make me happy?Why did he say he'll leave me alone for good?I don't get it...Why would he travel all the way there just to tell me goodbye...?"
"But Lisa isn't that what you wanted?"Jennie
"Yeah..." I think
"I just dont get why he did it...its so unlikely of him..."

Taehyung Pov:

I watched Lisa as she looked confused as hell...
I actually know exactly what happened, Jungkook told me,He was first planning on taking Lisa without her consent butttt--- He told me he thought about what that eunwoo guy said...I guess someone else who cares about Lisa a lot telling Jungkook what he's doing is wrong is all it takes for him to finally snap back to his senses and win her back properly

..His plan is to give her some time to think...Its obvious Lisa doesn't know herself what she wants...I mean if she did why would she still have the wedding ring?If someone did that to me I'd throw that ring in the ocean but at the same time he's taking care of her..
He's using me and Jennie to Inform him on how she's doing,Jennie didn't want to but I somehow convinced her,And he has people to make sure she is safe and in no harm,Obviously they aren't stalkers,Jungkook would never allow that, they just start working when she goes out alone,But obviously they give her space and privacy,At the same time he's making us pretend we're giving her all these gifts,I asked him why doesn't he say its from him but he said she might not want it then..

Jungkook really does feel bad and regrets whats he did..But I know he's trying hard to change,Im one of his best friend,I should know that my brother is hurting inside,He has gone through a lot and I cannot let the world hate him and leave him all by himself, because at the end of the day he was just heavily and badly influenced by his father.

"Lisa dont over think okay?Just enjoy your free time, you deserve it girl"Jennie said finally.


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