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Lisa Pov:

"Looks like we all have separate rooms"
"Great!Now I can maybe bring over some hot dude to my room"Minnie said making us all look at her.

"What?I need a love life too!"Minnie
"Hah,Anyways how about we all get settled in and then have lunch together at the restaurant?"Eunwoo
"Sounds like a plan"Mingyu

After 1 hour

I heard a knock on the door.
"Room service"

Wow there's free room service?

I opened the door
"Hi- Woah.."

The Guy brought in 5 wine bottles,Some fruit and some towels.

"Do I have to pay for this?"
"No its all free"

Strange....This wine looks expensive...

"Okay well Ill just put these towels in the bathroom "

I took some towels and went into the bathroom.I then placed them neatly into the cupboard .

Suddenly I heard something...A camera click...
I quickly turned around but no one was there...

I then walked out of the bathroom to find the tray of wine and fruit but the guy was gone..

Whatever Im not on the mood for thinking,This holiday is for me to take a break on everything .

Well now that im done I guess ill just change.

Luckily its Summer so I get to try on all my summer outfits I bought

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Luckily its Summer so I get to try on all my summer outfits I bought.

Suddenly I got a message on my phone.Its probably Minnie telling me to hurry up lol.

At The restaurant

"Wow,are you guys seeing what's on this menu?"Mingyu
"Let's order already im starving"Eunwoo

This is what they got

This is what they got

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"Um Are you guys sure we can finish this all?"Minnie"Of course!"

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"Um Are you guys sure we can finish this all?"Minnie
"Of course!"

I then grabbed me four slices Of Pizza.

"Damn girl,You have such a small stomach yet eat so much "Mingyu
"Its a gift"
"Its called fast metabolism "Minnie
"Yah its supposed to be a secret!"

"Uh Lisa do you know that guy?"Eunwoo asked out of nowhere directing to look behind me.

I then looked and saw some guy pointing his camera towards me.

"Then why is he taking pictures of you?"Eunwoo
"Maybe he's just taking pictures of that ice sculpture "Minnie said pointing towards a Pineapple shaped Ice Sculpture behind Eunwoo.

"Yeah maybe "Eunwoo.

"Um guys?Can we hurry up and eat this food so we can go to the pools?"Mingyu
"Don't look at me im basically devouring this pizza"

We then continued to eat and had our drinks after.


Omfg queens

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