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Lisa Pov:

I carefully removed his arm from my waist as I quickly got off the bed.
I already packed all my things yesterday. Tonight im gonna stay by an old friend and tomorrow I will be going to my new job.

I went with my suitcases downstairs quietly trying not to wake him up.I then took out the letter I wrote to him and placed it on the fridge.
I stared at it for awhile....

Never in my life did I think I'd write him something like this...I feel guilty...Like im gonna hurt him...But he deserves it...

I quickly run upstairs to get my phone besides our-His bed..I took a look at his face...He looks pretty when he's sleeping...So innocent...You know..If you hadn't of done that...We would've been happy put this on yourself...

"Goodbye Jungkook...forever..."I softly said...

And So I left..

Obviously I already had it planned out so Minnie was already waiting outside with her car.As I got in we exchanged a warm hug.

"You know Lisa,im really proud of you,Last time I saw you was on your wedding day..And I could already see that that marriage is gonna change you...You'd have no freedom...I can't believe he did that to you..I genuinely thought he loved you...When you guys were dating-"I cut her off
"Minnie...I don't really wanna talk about it...It still hurts..."I already had a few tears coming down.

"Oh sorry,Okay!Don't worry!When we get to my house you can just have some rest okay?"Minnie
"Okay Thank you so much for helping me"
"No probs!You're like my sister,we do anything for each other "Minnie

For the rest of the ride we talked and revised all the memories we had together..It almost made me forget about everything else..And I felt genuinely happy.

Next Morning...

Jennie Pov

"I ASKED YOU IF YOU KNOW WHERE LISA IS!"Taehyung yelled from the other side of the phone.

I just woke up, Had some breakfast,Till my phone rang and now Taehyung is yelling over all these noises..Oh yeah..And I guess he found out Lisa left..

"NO I DO-"
"COME HERE QUICK!"He then ended the call.

Urgh why must I be dragged into this?

I went over to Li-Just Jungkook's house and Taehyung quickly grabbed me inside.

I saw broken glass...The TV was on the floor...A broken phone and The house just looked like a mess..Jeez Did a criminal come in here.

"What happened?"
"This"Taehyung handed me a note which im guessing is Lisa's goodbye letter.

Hi Jungkook...I just wanted to say im leaving..for good...The truth is I never actually forgot anything, I knew all about the cheating and the way you treated me..You probably wouldn't understand why I lied but I guess you can say it was a test,and a lesson for you.Im writing this to say that I did mean the divorce, I already signed the papers and everything,it's in your office..Im sorry But Our relationship was just not meant to be...At first I thought we would be the perfect couple..But you did what you did..I made breakfast,Lunch and supper I tried everything just for you to show me that same love you did before,but you never did,instead you cheated on me with some girl and I almost died...But anyways...I don't wanna be in an unhealthy relationship and instead do what's best for me.So Goodbye...For good

Damnn..She really went all out hey?

"Jungkook Called me and the rest of the boys yelling at us asking if we know where lisa is..None of them wanted to come,but I know how he is so I came over,I don't want him doing anything stupid..But when I got here He was breaking glass and just destroying the place..I think he drank a little because of anger as well"Taehyung

I didn't expect this to happen...

"Where is he now?"
"He drove off just before you got here"Taehyung
"And you didnt stop him!?"

"Excuse you dont shout at me!"
"Sorry Love"He was about to give me a hug but I pushed him away.

"We have to find Jungkook before he does anything stupid,remember last time?"
"Yah We can't talk about that!Do you want to go to jail!?"Taehyung
"Well let's just go!"


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