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"Oh, my head." Moaning, I lay myself back on the pillow as quickly as I try to get up. My hungover vision spots Mr. Darcy, who's seated right beside me on the bed. "I'm dying, Liam."

"Oh, really now?" Liam laughs, taking a single pill from its package. "Here. Let me get you some water." He gets up soon after handing me the Advil—yuck!

"Damn, I hate pills. I'd rather have coffee instead," I lament with a grouchy face.

"But you said your head hurts too much, right?" Liam uncaps the bottle of water he's holding as I finally manage to sit up. "You should quit drinking, baby. I mean it." He beams like the sunshine oozing through the window, his shirtless body tanned and gorgeous.

"It's all your fault." I throw the pill into my mouth, my face crunched as though I'm swallowing poison.

I seriously hate pills—and fuck, I've got more to take. Speaking of which, did I take my birth control pill yesterday? I don't think I remember doing so. Shit!

"My fault?" Liam chuckles, returning to the bed with eyes settled on me.

"Yes." I swallow the Advil and take a deep sigh of refreshment after gulping a lot of water. "You were probably busy with some bimbos over there, enjoying the show, and I was going crazy thinking of it," I say while handing him the bottle of water.

I wonder how his bachelor party went last night. Did he have fun doing some shitty stuff I'm busy imagining?

"If you're done talking and thinking nonsense, get up and take a shower. I've ordered us breakfast, which means you are staying right in this room until you beat that hangover," Liam says, and it's an order given the no-discussion look on his face.

"Hmm. Does this mean I'm grounded?" I ask him, my grin playful.

"It appears so, Ms. Jones." He smiles gently. "Oh, I forgot to tell you something." He puts the water bottle on the nightstand and stares back at me.

"What? Are you going to remind me of what happened last night?" I feel like I've done something disgraceful while drunk last night, even though I only recall pushing Liam onto the bed after crazily whipping off his shirt.

Liam bursts out laughing. "You did several indescribable things, but you have no reason to worry about your reputation, my love."

"Oh God! Why do I feel like I have more reasons to worry now?" I scowl, lying to my side facing him.

"You're funny. Come here." He smoothly pulls me to his side so that I lean on him. His arms wrap around my frame, spooning me onto his chest "Well, what I wanted to tell you is that . . . Samantha called you earlier, several times, so I had to pick up."

"Why? Is there anything wrong?" I gaze up at him, startled.

"No. She's perfectly okay. Even better." Liam smiles. "Her boyfriend is here."

"Jonathan?" I flash my eyes open, stunned.

"Unless she has another boyfriend, then yes. He arrived this morning, and I guess she wanted to share the news with you." Liam looks happy this morning, his smile bright as he shares this little gossip with me.

"Oh wow! That's wonderful. Now this feels like a vacation, huh?" I lie comfortably, hugging Liam's chest. "I don't wanna move from here," I whisper, my eyes shut tiredly.

I feel Liam's heart beating against my ear—such a fine tune. His lips touch the top of my head and his kiss turns soft and soothing.

"They stay until you feel better," he replies. "After having breakfast, of course."

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