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"Are you sure you haven't forgotten your vitamins?" I ask as we get out of the plane.

"My God, Kiki! I told you I packed them!" Samantha grunts petulantly, rolling her eyes as though she's tired of the questioning.

I chuckle lightly. "Okay, I was only making sure. Am I being too much of a mom now?"

"Totally!" Sam replies rather quickly.

We laugh heartily, finally back to Montana. My hair flips at the welcoming, autumn breeze blowing around the Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport, a clear reminder that we're in the country side.

Damn, I missed this place even though it's been only several weeks.

"I know you're taking this Godmother role seriously and all, but it's enough that Jonathan breathes under my neck. I don't need you to act the same way, please." Sam is still complaining even when we reach at the baggage claim.

Always my drama queen!

I roll my eyes now. "Okay, I'll stay out of your business, Mrs. Kruger. Just for now, though, because I promised Jonathan that I'd take care of you and I'm gonna keep my word."

"Yeah, right." Sam sighs. "If taking care of me means making me a spinach smoothie then I'm out."

Laughing harder, I nudge her on the arm. "I've never made you a spinach smoothie, Sam. But I guess we could try it, right? It must be so good for the baby." I touch Sam's belly that's still flat, and my heart flips at the feel.

Oh, I wish I'd feel what she feels someday. Maybe soon? My mind wanders off instantaneously as I think of my fiancé. Relax, woman! You shall meet him soon. I smile softly.

"Spinach smoothie? Shut up," Sam hisses but ends up laughing.

I'm ecstatic being back in this place . I take my time indulging into the moment, taking in a soft breath of fresh air. It has been over two months since I visited Montana for the first time, but it feels like yesterday despite the many events that have taken place in my life.

"You got this, Kira Jones," I mutter under my breath.

After getting our bags we are now waiting for Peter to pick us. A deep breath couples my smile when I think of my future husband. I miss Liam terribly and I can't wait to finally reunite with him—not just for a day or week, but forever as one soul.

Am I really gonna wed him?

Fuck, it's damn exciting and scary at the same time. Is this how everyone feels when nearing marriage? I can't help but wonder as I try calling Peter for the second time. Why isn't he answering? A little frown flits on my face, hoping all is well with him.

"Call him again, Kira," Sam states while taking a seat on the lounging chairs.

"It's what I'm doing, girl. Relax!" I place my phone on the ear and thankfully it rings. Seconds later I get connected to Peter. "Hey, hi. We're—" I pause, a bright smile on my face while tugging the thick strands of my curls behind my ears. "Okay." I hang up.

"So is he coming?" Sam asks, exhausted.

"Yeah. He had a flat tire, but he's almost here now," I reply gently, and suddenly Sam starts laughing at whatever's on her freaky mind. "Mind sharing the good news?" I gaze down at her, stupefied.

She coughs to clear her throat. "I've just remembered that it was me calling Peter the last time we came here. And look, today you're the one calling him, and not as an ordinary person, but as his boss' soon-to-be wife."

Indeed it's a twist of fate.

"Well . . ." I take a seat next to her, the air in the airport is a bit chilly for my simple attire. "It's kind of crazy, right? I guess everything happens for a reason in our lives."

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