Ch. 3: A little more

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"Is this a proposal?" you mumble.
" Sorry, I didn't catch that." Levi says. As his horse halts to a stop in front of his cabin. The cabin made out of timber has a yellowish glow to it from the lantern lit on top of the door frame. It had cute little steps that leds up to the front door, with one big window in the front and one on the side. Levi slide off his horse. He stands still on the ground, looking up at you with an out-reach hand. "Can you say it again?" he asks with that warm smile he only shows to you. Your heart pounds everytime you see that smile. With you sitting on the horse, you couldn't help but gaze into his sincere eyes. His hand lingers in midair waiting for you to hold.

" I..." you start to say.
With a strong step down on the stirrup of the saddle, you lift yourself off the horse and jumped down. Because of the height of the horse, it made you a bit imbalanced, so you take a few more steps foward from it. You place both of your hands as gently as possible on his chest to stop yourself from slamming into him. Even through the uniform you could feel his firm muscle under it. Snow begins to fall, a few snowflakes falls onto his slick hair, one falls onto your eyelash. Levi gazes at it for a few seconds before sliding his arm behind your waist and pulls you closer into an embrace. He kisses your eyelid, melting the tiny snowflake with his kiss.
Then he hugs you tightly as the snowflakes showers lightly down onto the both of you, not a heavy downpour, it was one of those moments when you see the first snow.  Wrapped in his warm embrace, you wrapped your arms around him as well. You felt different with this hug. It's as if Levi's holding onto something so precious, which he was afraid to let go. Like he didn't want to lose anything in his life anymore.

'You don't have to answer me now. Please think about it...' as Levi grabs your hand from behind his back, and cups your hands in his , bringing them near his lips and blows his warm breathe against it to warm your cold finger tips. Levi fishes out a key from his chest pocket and guides you up the small steps, swiftly shoves the key into the keyhole and turns the silver key, unlocking the wooden door, leading you in.

' Make yourself at home.' Levi says as he places the key on the medium sized oak table that stood along the square window with two wooden chairs tucked into it. Levi step towards the small stone fireplace with its long chimney that goes up to the top. You look around the interior of the cabin, which made you smile a bit, because it was one of those little houses that you'd love living in, the smell of pine, the crackling sound from the freshly lite fireplace with a large soft rug in front of it, a sturdy writing table with a vintage green glass shade lamp, a cloth covered double couch with a small landscape painting hung behind it, a large twin bed next to the other window on the right, to the left is a nice little countertop with a double stove, next to the kitchen is a small bathroom with a good sized round mirror, toilet and a shower. A cozy cabin for two.

You look towards Levi, with his back turned to you, squatting in front of the now lite fireplace. He's using a fire poker, poking at the crackling wood, feeding  more wood to the fire as it gobbles it up. "Too warm?" he asks while still looking at the fire.

" No." you reply, as you walk slowly toward him, sliding a finger across the tabletop as you walk in his direction. You lift your finger up and look at your fingertip. As expected there is not a speck of dust. Levi had throughly cleaned this place inside out before he settled in.

Now standing beside him, you sit down on the rug warming your hands in front of the fireplace. Levi glances at you with his grey eyes. You glance back, with a slight smile " What?" you asks in embarrassment as he keep gazing at you. "Nothing..." Levi reply as he reached out a hand to tuck that one stran of hair behind your ear. You feel a slight blush come to your face as his fingertip gently caresses your cheek as he stands up. Levi put firepoker next to the stone fireplace, and walks behind you towards the kitchen. "Water, tea?"

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