Ch. 40: Letters

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Levi shuts the door behind you after pulling you into his office.

You look at him with wide eyes, "What's wrong?" you ask, taken aback by his action.

He places a finger on your lips, then slightly opens the door to look out again. Closing the door once more, before guiding you to sit down at his office table. You put the lunchbox down on his desk. Your eyes following him as he sits down at his mahogany desk.

"I've been receiving weird letters under my door." Levi sighs, "Let's talk about it after lunch." he says as he opens his lunchbox.

You look at Levi, looking at your homemade lunchbox in content. As he picks up the fork you had put inside and jabs at the fluffy rolled up egg in his lunchbox.

He lifts the second egg roll with his fork and brings it to your lips.

"Ahh~" he sounded as he presses it against your lips.

This isn't the first time he's fed you, but why do you feel flustered. You open your mouth as he puts the food into your mouth. You chew on the food, as you enjoy watching Levi indulge himself in your cooking.

"Did you eat?" he asks.

"No, I'm not that hungry." you say.

Levi frowns and picks up a piece of beef with his fork, " You've got to eat something. How're you going to have the strength to see Furlan if you're not eating properly."

"Or do you want to purposefully go hungry, so I can feed you like this." Levi place the piece of beef against your lips with a slight smirk on his lips.

"You've made a big portion, we can share." He brushes the juicy piece of beef against your lips, until you take it with your teeth, chews and swallows it.

Levi stands up and goes to the cabinet behind you, he brings you a cup fo tea and places it on the table in front of you. You thank him, and follows his movement with your gaze.

Levi pulls on his desk drawer and brings out four letters in his hands. He lays it out in front of you,

"Take a look. You don't need to finish reading them, if you don't feel comfortable."
he says as he continues to eat the lunch you made him.

You look down at the letters in front of you, and pick one up. Opening the flap and pulls out a piece of paper.

The letter was hand written, it smells like woman's perfume, and there's even a visible kiss mark at the bottom of the letter.

You read the contents:
" Every night I think about you laying in my bed. I would tie my legs to the --- and rub -"

You quickly shut the letter in your hand. You want to burn it, but you can't.  Since it was evidence that someone is stalking Levi. And you had a feeling you knew who it was, but how did the woman know where Levi's office is?

The corner of your mouth twitch, just thinking about it. If only she was a titan, then she would be gone in a second.

"We should.. heighten our security, it's ridiculous that she can get in here...unless there's an insider that's helping her." you slide the letters back toward Levi, motioning that you don't want to look at them anymore.

After the two of you finished lunch, you go to see Commander Erwin with the letters in hand.

He too did not finish reading any one of these letters, as he rubs his temples with the palm of his hand. He sighs,
" Levi." he calls out his name.

Levi glances at Erwin.

"I think you need to....bait her." Erwin says. "Then when we catch her in some act. We can take her in."

"It's a never ending cycle. Can't we just get rid of her already." you say ,Commander Erwin looks at you, knowing what you meant.

You glance at Erwin and says "Sorry, but she touched my husband unappropriately!" you huff, feeling the anger fuzz out of you just thinking about it.

"Understandable. Maybe we can make it look accident." Commander Erwin says.

Your eyes lite up at Erwin, which he chuckles at your reaction.

Levi glances at Erwin and clears his throat, "We can try it. Baiting her."

"How should we start?" you ask.

"Send her a letter." Commander Erwin replys with a slight smile.

You laugh excitedly.

Levi glances silently at Erwin once more, then back at you.

*A short chapter~ Writing a letter to that woman who almost had her way with Levi, what would you write?*

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