Ch. 21: Talk

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You opened your eyes, gazing at Levi who was sound asleep next to you.
You didn't move, since it ached all over, and you just looked at him until he opened his eyes.

His glazed grey eyes gazed back at you and squinted a bit when he smiled.

"Stay here."he said. Levi rubbed your cheek with the back of his fingers, and kissed you on your forehead. Feeling the weight of the mattress lifted as Levi got out of bed.

You didn't even bother turning around, as your hips hurt just laying there. Listening to the sound of fabric brushing against each other as Levi got dressed, the *click* of the door opening then *clack* gently as it closed.

You didn't know you had drift back to sleep, until you heard the door open again. Then you heard the clatter of plate on the bedside table. You reluctantly turned your head to look, as you laid on your back. Levi stood beside your bed, and leaned over you, placing his right hand next to your waist as he leaned down to kiss you gingerly on the lips.

"Good morning." he smiled at you as he broke the kiss. Then looked at the plate of breakfast he had brought from the dining hall.  "Brought you breakfast." he said "It hurts doesn't it?" he asked, as his right hand cupped onto the side of your hip, massaging it.

You looked up at him, " And whose fault was it."

He smirked and said, "I couldn't help were just too appeitzing."

You propped yourself up from the bed with your arms, as Levi helped you by putting an arm around your back, pulling your up to sit on the bed.

Levi sat beside you on the bed, as he watched you eat. You stabbed a piece of scrambled eggs and brought it to his lips. Levi grabbed your hand in his that held the fork with the food, and bite down on the food while still gazing at you. You swallowed with a slight blush on your cheeks.

"Stop staring at me." you said, using your free hand to ruffle his hair, using the palm of your hand to cover his eyes, then glide a finger down to the corner of his lips, wipping up a small piece of egg with your thumb.

Swiftly, he grabbed the hand that wipped the food off his lips and held it. With his hand still on yours, he curled every one of your finger into your fist, except for the index finger.

Slowly brought your finger down onto the plop of maple syrup that pooled against the side of your pancakes. The both of you watched as the sticky substance stretched and drip down onto the plate as your finger pulled away. Then Levi brought your finger covered in syrup onto his lips.

He licked up the syrup dripping slowly down your finger as his grey eyes gazed at you. Your heart thumped as you stared at his actions, your face began to feel hot to the touch.

"Le..Levi!" you almost yelled out of embarrassment as you tried to pull away your finger from his soft lips.
But Levi held onto your hand, lightly bit your finger, as his tongue slurped up the last drop.

"We should try this some time." he said.

The fork in your hand dropped with a *clack* as it hit the ceramic plate, your face even redder as you grasped what he was implying.

"Don't play with your food!" you almost want to curl into a ball out of embarrassment. "Did Hange give you something to drink?!" you asked in bewilderment.

Instead of responding to your question Levi said, "You have to eat everything now, or the baby won't grow strong and healthy."

Levi grabbed a napkin he had brought along with your breakfast from the bedside table and started to wipe your finger with it.

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