Ch. 28: Special Occasion (Lemon!)

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Just when Levi thought that it's going to take some time for his kid to grow up. Actually they grow up too fast.
Just when you thought you need to bump milk to feed the baby. Furlan can already eat solid foods. Now at the age of 2.

The three of you had an early dinner. All of you were sitting at Levi's office. You and Furlan sitting on the beige colored couch, which Levi had requested, so his family could spent some time with him even in his office.

You are reading a children's storybook to Furlan, while Levi is at work, writing at his mahogany table.

Rapidly, two knocks rattles onto Levi's office door. The three of you look up and stop what you wete doing. You look at Levi, who got up from his chair and goes to get the door.

Few words were exchanged at the door. Then Levi comes in with two people. It is Sasha and Connie.

"If anything happens to Furlan, you know the consequences. " Levi says as he turns to look at Sasaha and Connie.

You give him a questionable look.

Furlan's eyes lite up as he sees his two best grown playmates in front of him. Furlan immediately jumps off your lap and runs quickly, hugging both Sasha and Connie with one small arm wrap around one of each of their legs, and beams a cute smile at them as he looks up.

"Oh my God, its blinding me." Connie states as he covers his eyes, shielding his eyes from the imaginary ray of light. Sasha squeals just a bit as she leans down to pick Furlan up and bounce him lightly in her arms.

You look at them, the one and only perfect babysitters for Furlan.

Levi turns to look at you, "Sorry to not let you know, these two will babysit Furlan the whole day. I wanted to make it a surprise."

You shook your head, telling him that you approve his choice of babysitters for Furlan.

"Nothing will happen to Furlan, we promise." Connie place his fist on his heart in a salute. As Sasha looks back at Levi with as much of a serious expression as she can make, while Furlan hugs her happily. You feel like you're dying of cuteness just looking at Furlan.

"Go now." Levi says to Sasha and Connie. Before they leave, Levi gently ruffles Furlan's hair with his hand and said "Be good a boy now, Furlan."

Furlan smiles widely at his dad, and grabs Levi's hand with both of his small hands, and using his dad's hand to ruffle his own hair even more as he wiggles his head against Levi's hand.
"I'm a good boy." Furlan says happily at his dad.
Levi looks toward you, as to not break his cool composure in front of the others. You gently kisses Furlan on his chubby cheeks, and says "Have fun!" waving them goodbye.

After the three of them had left. Levi slowly turns to you "It's time...." he says and looks at you.

You gaze back, as he takes a step foward toward you. You swallow as he got closer. "For what?" you asks.

Levi puts one hand into his black pants pocket and smiles slightly, as he stands in front of you. "For our date."

You look at him, as he grabs your hand with his other hand that wasn't stuffed into his pants pocket, and pulls you toward him, leading you to the door. "After all these years, I've realized..I've never taken you out on date before." Pulling you along as he continues to say, "Don't worry about Furlan. He will be sleeping over at Sasha's tonight. So today, it's just you and me."

You look at the back of his head as he leads you out of his office while holding your hand. Then Levi looks over his shoulder and asks, "Were you expecting something else?"

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