Ch. 32: Hide n' Seek

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You walk with Furlan hand in hand while idling about in the market.

"Make way, make way!" a man in the green cloak shouted into the streets. As he gallop the horses down the cobble streets. The horse neigh a bit as the wagon driver whips its whip onto the horses' back. The horses were pulling wagons , and in it lay a few bodies. Which you didn't know were dead or alive.

Quickly taking Furlan to the side. People line up along the vending stalls to get out of the way.

You shelter Furlan with your body, as the wagon passes by. But not long after another wagon comes rushing down the market street, startling a few more vendors, as an old man tries to grab on to his cart piled with fresh cabbages.

One of the old man's cabbage roll out of the cart, and lands in front of the carriage coming through.

The cabbage open like a blooming flower, then kicked to the side of the road as the horses' hooves run over it.

"Ehhhhhh!" you hear the old man cry.

You look around to the sudden rush of wagons passing through.
Is Levi coming back today?

You see a third wagon passing through, which inside lay more bodies with bandages. You shed Furlan's eyes from the sight with your hands covering his eyes. Then down the street you can see individuals on their horses, galloping in their green cloaks. Their hoods were up as to avoid any disturbances that may come from the crowd.

You hold Furlan in your arms as you scan amongst the crowd.

"Daddy?" Furlan says as he picks his head off your shoulder to look at the green cloaked individuals in the distance. They aren't coming your way, but instead making way for the fourth wagon to come through.

The fourth wagon swiftly zipped through the line of people, so quick that you couldn't make out who or what was inside.

"Do you see him?" you ask Furlan, still having hope that he was riding on a horse and not laying in the wagon.

"No" Furlan frowns a bit at the sight,  his anticipation to see his dad grew as his eyes looks out into the distance.

You hold on to Furlan making your way through the crowd as fast as possible, not knowing how long this will continue.

You got close to the green cloaked riders, standing to the side of the horse.

"Excuse me." you ask, as Furlan looks up at the back of the green cloaked individual in awe, their 3D Manuver gear strapped tightly against their hips and thighs. You could see the smears of blood and dirt as you glance at it.

"Excuse me!" you yell to get their attention.

The green cloaked individual turns their head over their shoulder.

It was Moblit.

Why does seeing Moblit's face so tattered and worn out, remind you of that nightmare you had.

"Where is Levi?" you shout amongst all the commotion.

Moblit points to the direction the three wagons had already zipped by.
"He's in the hos-" Moblit couldn't answer your question fully as a few more green cloaked riders come to meet up, telling them what's happening at the back of the line. And it seemed like someone had fell in front of a speeding wagon and needed a bit of assistance.

When Moblit turn back around, you were already gone. "______?" Moblit calls out your name as he looks around. But you were nowhere in sight.

"Hos?" Furlan asks as you ran down the cobble streets holding Furlan tightly against your chest.

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